Sherbert Hoover's $100 End Of The Year Amazon Giveaway!


Ban reason = Abuse of Mods
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
---- THREAD CLOSED 01/01/2016 ----
Time for an end of the year giveaway! I have ten $10 Amazon gift codes I purchased just for this occasion. All you have to do to win one is post in this thread between now and the end of the year. January 1st (Eastern Standard Time) a moderator will use to pick ten posts from the thread. These users will be the winners of the gift codes.

Can you post more than once? Yes, post as many times as you'd like.

Can you win more than once? If your post corresponds to more than one winning number, you sure can.

What's the catch? Nothing. Just giving back.

Is this a scam? Nope. I'm doing this by the book. Everything was okayed by a Lounge mod (Apricot) and the gift codes have been verified to exist.

What if I'm feeling generous too? Feel free to add anything you'd like to the giveaway pot. PM me if you are interested in donating to the BHW end of year giveaway and we can add your gift to the list of prizes.

That's it!

Best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Your friend,
Lets roll the diiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeee....
I'll have my shot. Ten Bucks would be usefull actually :)
inb4 "WTB spam bot for bhw"-threads :D

I didn't even think about that. Should I make an additional rule that you have to have 15 posts and have been a member for at least two weeks or something?

PS: My posts don't count towards this.
I didn't even think about that. Should I make an additional rule that you have to have 15 posts and have been a member for at least two weeks or something?

Just ordered 10 fresh bhw accounts and 10 private proxies so no, please dont.

Kidding, yeah I guess that might be a good idea.
Fingers crossed....I'm in.
May the odds be ever in our favor.
I didn't even think about that. Should I make an additional rule that you have to have 15 posts and have been a member for at least two weeks or something?

PS: My posts don't count towards this.

I guess you should.. The odds off winning increases with the number of entries... the rules should be a member for more than a year, should have contributed and can post only once in the thread.. Anyways.. great giveaway, count me in too.. There is nothing better than a free lottery...