It's good to see you earning money, however, you can easily double or even triple your daily earnings by using a content locker. That's what happened to me. Once I switched over to CPA my conversion rate increased by 3 times!
Just now im add content locker, just to see the different.
Im using both networks which is CPA offers and Sharecash.
CPA offers for some country only such as US, UK, CA and two others country, while country are not listed are able to download with Sharecash link.
Still waiting the result plus finding more items to download and make money with it.
gear man, I struggle with Sharecash, only 0.345 4 days ago,
what's your thechnique ? and promoting tips? videos,
All technique are share in BHW and im using it(but not all im use).
Im doing just like this:-
Get 5 items and make each of them to zip files. All 5 zip files are locked with password - all are the same password example AAAAAA
Put the notepad said that "get password here" that have link to my blog pages.
Create 5 new folder and put each notepad and each item inside. Then make that 5 folders into 5 zip files that not lock with password.
Upload all of them to mediafire
1 items on post on blog - i thinks my words are not more than 150.
My blog page(im hiding it) have download links to get the password (in PDF) which the links are Sharecash.
Before, my traffics are mainly from YT but now all of them are from Search Engine. Im just do Onpage SEO and thats all. My traffics per day are 100 visitors average.
Yesterday checked the links (adfly links that im used on YT description and the adf link are linked to my password page) by using Google. And what i see is my adfly links are on others ppl website. All of the website are totally video site.
After that im just remember some thread here that talk about wordpress plug in, that can scrape YT videos. So that i think it is an autopilot?? If yes then it is good to makes traffic from YT. DOnt forget to put blog link also in Desc. Let the YT scraper scrape together our links also.