Share your happiest day on BHW

For me it was when I first started reading @clock comments or ideas I found him funny and interesting and smart in a way and I find it kind of interesting me and him seem to have a very similar personality not sure why.
For me it was when I first started reading @clock comments or ideas I found him funny and interesting and smart in a way and I find it kind of interesting me and him seem to have a very similar personality not sure why.
This member gets mentioned in all my threads.
@adalbertmgrm him as well since all his theories about things interest or surprise me or entertain me such as why onions can cure a virus.
when i realized just 13 of my 41k posts had approx 175 million views lols

I'm happy that I get to fill up captcha every time I log in
Honestly, the happiest days of my life were spending time with my son.

Nothing is more fulfilling than having your boy crawl up to you and pull up on your leg, to let you know he wants to get picked up.

Then you see him grow little by little.

However, it has to be the moment I realized how intelligent my son was . I would read to him a little book called "Brown Bear' i think it was. Every night I'd read it to him. Then one night, he just started saying the story out-loud to me. He remembered what was said for almost every page of the book. And instead of me reading from that point, he spoke it to me. A toddler.

That was an amazing moment for me in life. Always going to be proud of my son.