Setting up Wordpress blogs


Regular Member
May 9, 2011
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I want to create a giant network of blogs as a second tier.

1. What tool can I use to automate creation of blogs?
2. How can I maintain the blogs so they don't delete them?
3. How many proxies do I need to create... let say 1000 blogs?
4. What is the best tool to post spun content to all of them automatically?
Check out linkwheel bandit. I think it would work well for you. Another option would be Senuke or Zennoposter. Zennoposter would be your cheapest route if you are going to keep up your "blog spam" for several months. Senuke and LWB have monthly fees.
Check out linkwheel bandit. I think it would work well for you. Another option would be Senuke or Zennoposter. Zennoposter would be your cheapest route if you are going to keep up your "blog spam" for several months. Senuke and LWB have monthly fees.
How hard is it to use Zennoposter vs Senuke?
How hard is it to use Zennoposter vs Senuke?

Senuke is easier than Zennoposter.

With Senuke, you could easily set up a web 2.0 blog net. Watch the videos, read the guide. Very easy.

With Zennoposter, you will need to understand some code, or have some experience with web development. HTML / PHP. But, if you get that down, then you can create and maintain a blog net much cheaper than Senuke over time. Senuke is $147 per month. I think ZP is about $300, one time, plus a upgrade fee. I don't think the upgrade fee is much.