SERPFox driving me fucking BONKERS.


Power Member
Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
WTF is going on with Serpfox? Is anyone else having issues trying to get it to accept new keywords or sites? When I log in with my accounts it shows my existing sites and what it ranks for those keywords, but it is impossible to add new sites or new keywords without it resulting in just a permanent image of a little clock instead of showing me the ranking results. FRUSTRATING THE HELL OUT OF ME.
same thing here, seems like they got banned by google :D

your 1 and only post on here is to bash SerpFox and say they got banned?? Sounds like your just a hating competitor
your 1 and only post on here is to bash SerpFox and say they got banned?? Sounds like your just a hating competitor

Did you hear for something that is called joke? Anyway, I use SerpFox on daily basis and in no way I am hating competitor.
They fixed problem before few hours..
Same here, but I just try in a few hours and it's working.