Serious case of impersonation.. who wants a challenge!


Apr 28, 2014
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Ill give you a brief description of what I'm on about..

About 7 years ago this started and now its got completely out of hand. Im looking for some help into finding out who the person is behind this monumental feat! its really bugging me...

let me know if your keen.
People (if there are any takers) are gonna need a bit more to go on than that :D
obviously ill explain the whole thing to someone someone who's keen :)
haha okay..

so whoever is behind this has made:-

I FB with over 2500 pictures of me, pretending to talk to people as though its be.. adding family members etc..

A Twitter account with over 5k followers, 5.5k tweets

InstaG with over 250 images..

Ideally if we can id like to fid out from where these accounts are being run.. ip etc.. so that i can locate who it is.. maybe an X for all i know.
thats whats bothering me! it probably is.. i wouldnt disagree.
Just would love to find out some info on who is doing it. you got any ideas?
haha okay..

so whoever is behind this has made:-

I FB with over 2500 pictures of me, pretending to talk to people as though its be.. adding family members etc..

A Twitter account with over 5k followers, 5.5k tweets

InstaG with over 250 images..

Ideally if we can id like to fid out from where these accounts are being run.. ip etc.. so that i can locate who it is.. maybe an X for all i know.

Jesus christ, the man obviously has a terrible life if he's trying to live procariously online (as you that is).

Hopefully he doesn't want to wear your face.

- A
Well i defiantly think that who ever is behind this has no job.. They take time to also photo chop my images, adding piercings, tattoos etc. this is why I'm so interested into finding out who it is..
Well i defiantly think that who ever is behind this has no job.. They take time to also photo chop my images, adding piercings, tattoos etc. this is why I'm so interested into finding out who it is..

lol, they are having some fun with you.
OP the quickest way to identify who it is, will be to have your family and friends assassinated one by one.
very true and thanks for the advice. have to go to work now so will be back on later (8 hours..)
Bait them/him/her with a link that is created just to capture their IP via a personal message, once you have that you can search for the city/state they live in by using a whois site for the ip. Another option, try to start a conversation with them via facebook on the hijacked account via a relative or friend's account. They may be using a mobile client and forget to not embed the gps location in their messages, that will narrow it down. Hijack your friend's mobile devices or computers while they are away from them and do targeted searches on browsing history and text threads. Good luck.
or if all the above suggestions fail then just change your name via deed poll
look for the culprit its within your friends.. how can someone else do it for you unless thats a private detective lol