seocertification dot org


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Has anyone heard of seocertification dot org? I was considering doing their certification, I noticed they had a PR5 website, but after looking closely I saw their internal link structure was mediocre at best, does anyone know if their certification is recognized?
... after looking closely I saw their internal link structure was mediocre at best...

Off topic: Tell the truth, You've gotten REALLY REALLY good at this since joining BHW, haven't you? I used to gloss over things and sometimes even take stuff at face value --- but now?? I'm kicking tires and checking with a fine tooth comb. :p:p
Off topic: Tell the truth, You've gotten REALLY REALLY good at this since joining BHW, haven't you? I used to gloss over things and sometimes even take stuff at face value --- but now?? I'm kicking tires and checking with a fine tooth comb. :p:p


What do you mean, I think I am not getting what you are saying?


What do you mean, I think I am not getting what you are saying?


I'm saying that because of all the stuff that I've seen here on BHW (fake testimonials, fake visitor counts, fake pr's, fake commission screenshots, etc.) I take a GOOD look (just like you did when you checked the pr and link structure of the interior pages) before I send folks my money. ;)
If they teach seo, google seo certification and see who ranks first. That should be a easy one
I did google seo certification and in fact they rank first, but I am not too sure, was hoping someone that used them could give me some feedback
I read a blog about this awhile ago. Also if you are interested in internet marketing type certifications, google has a adwords certification you should look into. They require you to manage 1000 dollars of "client" adwords accounts, which you can buy on here for 150$
I read a blog about this awhile ago. Also if you are interested in internet marketing type certifications, google has a adwords certification you should look into. They require you to manage 1000 dollars of "client" adwords accounts, which you can buy on here for 150$

Hang on, what do you mean I can buy $1000 of adwords accounts for just $150 what is the catch? I have heard of the google adwords certification but i believe that is geared towards PPC, I am interested in organic search.
I saw adwords accounts forsale a while back on here. Preloaded with 100$ worth for only 15 bucks. PM me, ill see if I can help you out
I think I am going to buy the course over at sempo.
I need the fundamentals.
It's only worth it if you were planning on putting it on your resume. Otherwise, it's just another thing that 'says' you know more than the next guy/gal.
It's only worth it if you were planning on putting it on your resume. Otherwise, it's just another thing that 'says' you know more than the next guy/gal.

Oh so true...I learned the 'fundamentals' from a free ebook by Brad Callen...SEO Made Easy and got my first mortgage site ranked #1, didn't pay a single cent for that...However, this was back in 2006 but you get the drift...