SEO Sales Lunatic | SEO Sales Video Series | SEOs Gone Wild


Power Member
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Hi I'm Brian and I spent the last month building an explosive sales process for selling SEO.
I designed this process to produce the MOST AMOUNT OF PROFIT WITH THE LEAST AMOUNT OF WORK.

My objective is to branch out my local SEO business on a regional/national/global scale, and I am inviting you to join me in this endeavor.

This video series will be a mix of sales training and reality show. The editing will be rough, as I am an SEO sales guy and not a professional video editor.
I will be posting new videos in this thread every couple of days.

The videos topics will include:
-Live sales calls by ME and my Team.
-How to find great prospects.
-How to find a prospect's PAIN, and how to cure that pain with your solution.
-Handling Objections

This isn't just words on your screen. I am inviting you into my office to share what I am doing, and you can join right along if you desire.

Some of the video posts will be detailed and informative, and some will be short and sloppy like a snooki truckstop quickie.

Whenever I close a sales, I will chug a beer. And if my team closes 3 sales before noon, we will all get hammered and go bowling or something fun. (also on video).

Hit subscribe if drinking beer, selling SEO, and making money interests you.

Looking forward to the series.

Just 2 questions:

1. What country are you in?
2. What's your background? (education, experience etc). Feel free to skip this one if you are repulsed by sharing your information. Completely understandable.
Definitely going to keep my eye on this! Thanks
Good question.

I will go into more detail in a video (on how to set this up on your own) but here is how I handle it right now:

Graphics/design: I outsource this to people on the forum. Usually creativez
Programming: I have a kickass programmer on staff in my office. He codes like a lunatic.
SEO/Linkbuilding: I use my sister company Market Mongoose (see sig for link). While I am a partner in the company, I function just like a reseller of the service. I buy a package at our reseller/bhw rates and sell it to retail clients for 2x or more. Plus I upsell clients on all kinds of things that will help their business. For example: Content, Graphics, Citations, Video Creation, Tracking Phone Numbers, etc...

Do you the SEO yourself or outsource?
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Good question.

I will go into more detail in a video (on how to set this up on your own) but here is how I handle it right now:

Graphics/design: I outsource this to people on the forum. Usually creativez
Programming: I have a kickass programmer on staff in my office. He codes like a lunatic.
SEO/Linkbuilding: I use my sister company Market Mongoose (see sig for link). While I am a partner in the computer, I function just like a reseller of the service. I buy a package at our reseller/bhw rates and sell it to retail clients for 2x or more. Plus I upsell clients on all kinds of things that will help their business. For example: Content, Graphics, Citations, Video Creation, Tracking Phone Numbers, etc...

And this is how it works, ladies and gentlemen!
Damn! Scrolled down hoping to see video 2. Will be watching!
Interesting! thanks.. looking forward because it seems its getting better
Subscribing to this, it's going to be great... Thanks and can't wait to see video 2...
Thanks for the kind feedback guys, will be working on Video 2 today :)
Nice intro, schwagoo!
However, you should think about your beer rule since you could become an addict fast if this promo is working right :)
Best of luck!
Haha, I like it. Hopefully you don't get too many sales, you might need a liver replacement!
This looks good Brian, really looking forward to the telemarketing video myself.
Hi, damm i am just new here, i can not find the button how to subscribe ?