SEO PowerSuite's Rank Checker-Latest Update -No IP or CAPCHA's Required


Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
I have used the Powersuite tools just occasionally, and have never liked working with its Rank Tracker, due to the hassle of buying IP's and capcha's. I moved on a couple of years ago -still used its WebSite Auditor and Spyglass a bit.
Today they have upgraded the software so that checking the rank of keywords is done at their end --NOT MORE IP or CAPCHA required.

I tried it out on one domain --after a bit of playing around with the settings (the description of how to set it up is sparse at the moment) ---lo and behold it worked great! I was only checking 50 keywords -was was way faster than before!

This is just a heads up for those our there who have purchased this software package (I bought two years of updates at the time as it was the most cost effective) -you might want to just give it a shot. I'm not a power user or anything -just working on my own sites --for me it is perfect if the first try is any indication.

Just a heads up folks --something new!