SENUKE mass blog fantastico wordpress


Junior Member
Oct 4, 2008
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I try to create mass blog with free hosting that support wordpress fantastico installer, and I realize, SENUKE doesn't work with some wordpress. So.. what's wrong?
Simple, new xmlrpc.php from new Wordpress installation doesn't compatible with SENUKE. I replace xmlrpc.php with older version.. and.. it's work!!
Now we can create as much as dummy blog with free hosting then create our mass content blog posting with SENUKE. There are a lot of free hosting offer ready wordpress installation, just replace the xmlrpc.php with older one and your SENUKE will work for it.
thanks for the heads up

time to start more blog farm :)

but even if we replace that, what version of WP xmlrpc.php file did you use?
I'm sorry for a very very big mistake...
no need to upload xmlrpc.php
For new wordpress and wordpress mu, we have to activate xml-rpc in settings>writing
So, I already try a lot of wordpress mu site, after I activate xml-rpc, Senuke works, senuke can post new content to all of my blog that wordpress mu based.