[SELLING] ▶️ $140+/Month HOT Niche Website ✅| Highly BANKABLE 90%TIER 1/SEO Traffic ✅ | ️AUTHORITY 100+ Posts/250k+ Words ⚡ | IMMENSE Potential

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Regular Member
Feb 10, 2020
Reaction score
WARNING: THIS IS A LONG READ! (3K+ Words) - If you feel this is too much to read or takes too much of your time, do us both a favor and look for a different investment. Only contact me after you’ve read everything I wrote below. It’s in your best interest to be well-informed before you make an investment. I won’t waste time with people asking basic questions that have already been answered in the thread.

Ok, let’s immediately get the big question out the way. Why am I selling?

1. I don’t have the time and 2. SEO niche sites are not my primary focus anymore. Also, I’m feeling guilty thinking about this site just sitting there, collecting dust, bringing in little cash when it could be earning thousands for someone who invests just a little focused time and effort into it.

Is This An Investment For You?

Now that we cleared that up, let me point out a few important things before we go into the stats for this site.

First, I believe that the more critical data you have, the better picture of a business you will have and the better your decision making gets. That’s why I will share with you every single relevant piece of information about this site, both good and bad, both risks and opportunities, benefits and drawbacks, so that you can get a real sense of how is the site doing, what to expect from it in terms of economics, and ultimately decide on your own, without my influence, if this is an investment for you.

Why am I doing this? Because it’s in my best interest. Most people looking for online investments at this price point aren’t beginners. They aren’t falling for the usual marketing blathering that the so called “gurus” sell on social media these days, with unfortunately great success. I know that if you are reading this, you most likely are not the average bear and you know how to recognize value. Just the fact that you’re on this forum, looking for investments tells me that you are way more sophisticated than most.

All this means that to actually sell this site to YOU at this place and this price point, I can’t afford to present, hold back or interpret data misleadingly. Why? Because, if you are actually interested in buying this site, I’m certain that you will see through any bullshit I might try to sell just by looking at the real and raw data, and the stats never lie. Even if you at first believe that this is a great investment and an excellent opportunity, you most likely won't go through with it if you find out that I'm deceptive. If the trust shattered, there will be no sale and I know that.

That’s the reason I will share every last bit of detail there is with you, and if I miss ANYTHING, even the smallest measurement, I DEMAND you ask me and receive that info. You will be able to corroborate the credibility of every single bit of information I share with you by looking at the official dashboards where they were measured (G. Analytics, GSC, AdSense Dashboard, A. Affiliates Dashboard, WordPress) to ensure absolute transparency.

I WILL NOT sell you this site if I see that you don’t have the resources or knowledge to grow it or if you don’t examine all the facts carefully. I’ve had a few offers I rejected for this very reason. Getting cash for this site is secondary. I’m selling primarily for creating long-lasting business relationships.

Sure, cash is what I ultimately strive for, but at this point a few thousand bucks I get from this sale aren’t as valuable to me as a promising connection we can make. That’s where the real money is. So, it is in my interest for YOU TO BE PROFITABLE. The price is there primarily to sort the winners from the losers.

If you see that I’m honest and knowledgeable and vice versa, we can do so much more than just grab the money or make a nice profit of an investment. I’ve chosen this price and this forum to sell for a very good reason. You are also reading this for a very good reason.

If you share my values and think this site might be a good investment for you, after you read the rest of the thread, contact me via [email protected] to discuss, get in-depth information and insights about the site.

IMPORTANT: Put the “[Website Sale] Your BHW Username or Your Name” in the email subject, otherwise, you’ll be ignored. Note that you will get instantly disqualified as a potential buyer if you ask for the URL right away without prior discussion – I assure you that you will get all the details you need if you’re up front with me but NEVER try to waste my time.

OK, now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at the abbreviated presentation of the website to get a first good look at what to expect:

Present & Past Data:

Main Stats:
  • Age: 2 Years Old (Ranking On Google From April/May 2020)
  • Average Monthly Income Last 6 Months (Amazon Affiliates + AdSense): $148.51
  • Average Monthly Income Last 12 Months (Amazon Affiliates + Last 6 Months AdSense): $105.8
  • Average Monthly Page Views Last 6 Months: 4,213 (around 1/3 buyer intent pages & around 2/3 informational pages)
  • Average Tier 1 (US, UK, Canada, Australia) Page Views % Per Month: 89.85%
  • Average % Of Acquisition Via Organic Search: 94%

Seed Niche (Home Improvement):

Is one of the best niches to get into right NOW either online or offline IMO. The trend is very clear - Home improvement is in more demand NOW than ever. The top two dogs of the industry Home Depot & Lowe’s both had record breaking years last fiscal year and the two years before. Their stock is on the continuous rise and the overall demand for home improvement work, tools, materials, and equipment is steadily ascending since the pandemic started.


The pandemic triggered “phenomenal demand” for remodeling projects, which has increased each quarter since the end of 2020, Will says.

Last year, remodeling spending rose 9% year over year, and it’s projected to rise 17% this year, according to Will. Historical average annual growth is about 5%. Will attributes the growth to many factors, including employees working from home, delayed projects from 2020, aging homes, nesting new homeowners and natural disaster preparation.

[Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/h...ndemic triggered,natural disaster preparation.]

If there ever was a time to jump into this HOT niche it’s NOW! This is a massive opportunity to get a jump start in this niche right away and capitalize on the current upward trend.

Present Value:


If we calculate the average monthly income of the last 6 months ($148.51) and multiply it with 36, we get an estimated price of $5,346.24.

If you think that’s unfair or unreliable, we can go even farther and use the monthly average income of the last 12 months ($105.8) * 36 to get to $3,808.8, even though the full monetization potential wasn't achieved until 7-8 months ago (AdSense was integrated 6 months ago and Amazon UK and Canada around 7-8 months ago).


There are 106 articles published (each ranking on Google) with a total wordcount of 242,205 words. Of those 240k, 9,522 words are from the general home improvement articles that don’t target any keywords or bring consistent income (although I did sell a couple of link inserts for them and have not included that income when calculating average monthly income), so we will count those out. That leaves us with 231,549 words of highly keyword targeted content.

I’ll be honest with you; the content isn’t superb but it isn’t bad either. It was written by average native English speakers and makes sense, was researched, is readable, converts, but can be improved. To give you a picture of how good the content is in terms of conversion, (which is the ultimate goal, right?) let’s look at some stats and numbers. Last Month, we had a CTR from “best x for y” articles to Amazon of 50% and a Conversion Rate on Amazon was 17.56%. Along with that, the site was accepted within its first application into both Amazon Affiliate Program and AdSense which couldn’t have happened if the content was awful.

Based on that, we can safely say that this content does convert pretty ok and is at least of acceptable quality. An average rate for such content might be around $20 per 1000 words, so we can say that the content alone is worth $4,630.98. But let’s say that I’m exaggerating and the content is really bellow average. That would put it at around $10 per 1000 words which is very close to what most average non-native English copywriters charge and would bring the value of the content down to $2,315.49.

Now, let’s disregard all the other valuables such as 90% Tier 1 traffic, 2 Year ranking History on Google, Sub-Niche Authority, Topical Relevancy, and 4200 average monthly page views. Just by scratching the surface of the value of this site, we get to a figure of $6,124.29 by only summing undervalued content and depreciated average monthly income. You get the whole site package that has tons of other additional valuables for the price of $5,500.

Healthy Income, Traffic, Sub-Niche & Content Distribution:

In terms of diversification and longevity, this site stands strong.


One of the biggest advantages of this site is the traffic geo. It’s the most valuable traffic there is. In the last month, more than 90% of the overall site traffic came from US, UK, Canada and Australia. With over a 1000 tier 1 pageviews a month coming from buyer intent keywords, you can imagine the value and unexploited potential. If you focus on optimizing the pages that receive this golden traffic you can realistically get to 4 figures income just from the current numbers (more on that later).


Is spread out and between 2 niches and doesn’t rely on either one. Both niches are contributing to income & traffic. There is no dependency on a handful of pages for traffic, which is the case with the vast majority of Amazon Affiliate Sites. Most visited page gets just 16% of the overall traffic, while the top 10 most visited pages make up only 60% of all traffic.

Income from 2 streams:

Consistent and predictable average 19.75% Conversion rate on Amazon along with AdSense earnings coming in every month.


Evenly spread out between tens of pages (Top 10 pages in terms of pageviews make up just 60% of the overall page views to the site). US is dominant, but other tier 1 countries (UK, Canada, Australia) make up 20% of the overall traffic and all tier 1 countries contribute to income.


Established Authority in Sub-Niches & 2 Years on Google Search Results:

All of the 106 articles on site are indexed and are all ranking on Google. There are more than 250k words of content on site and every single word is indexed – some as long as 2 years!


As I promised, here are the current negatives and the reasons why you shouldn’t invest in this site:

Was on a downward trend in traffic & earnings:

No, I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. The site saw a decline in traffic and income (roughly 40-50% decline) from December 2021 until February 2022 because of Google Updates and seasonality. The good news is that it started going back up in both traffic and income in the last month (3119 pageviews last month) and my prediction is that it’s going to continue in that direction in the future months (more so as we get closer to Q4), especially if someone starts working on it.


Content Quality:

This is not really a con but still has to be pointed out IMO. As I already mentioned the content quality is about average (some excellent posts and some a bit thin) and is definitely something that could be improved for an immediate impact.

If conversion rate is a good measurement of content quality, around 20% average CR on Amazon tells us that the content makes sense and does sell even though it’s not the best it can be.

Mostly Relies On 1 Media (Google):

I think this is frequently overlooked when people invest in sites. Most niche sites rely on just 1 media for their traffic and we know that isn’t preferable. This site has 95% traffic acquisition through Search Engines and the source of 85% of all traffic is Google. Again, you will see this with most sites (which doesn’t mean it’s good) so it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

[FUTURE] Scaling Opportunities
If you carefully read the previous sections, you should now have a pretty good idea of what the current value of this site is. With that out of the way, let’s now look at the immense potential this site has and what you can expect from it in terms of economics if you invest just a fraction of your time and effort.

This is IMO what your first scaling step in the growth hierarchy should be. When I created this site, I focused mostly on niche and keyword research so any further optimization of the articles and the site itself was minimal. I haven’t touched the site in months and now that I’m revisiting all the stats, I see that there are huge leverages to be gained just by doing a few small tests and optimizing a handful of things. Don't forget that optimization growth is exponential, so if you focus on maxing out and improving tier 1 buyer intent pages the rewards for your efforts can be insanely high!

I won’t go into much detail and list all the opportunities in this thread as it would be way to long, (be sure to ask for more details when you contact me) but here is a quick and dirty summary of what you can do right away with this site for fast growth:


The article titles on this site aren’t optimized at all. They are all generic “best x for y in year” kind of titles that I know for certain can be optimized for a much higher CTR from my experience with other affiliate sites I was invested in. Realistically, you can expect CTR and traffic growth at least doubling just by changing, removing or adding a few words to the titles of the top 3 buyer intent and informational articles. AdWords is my favorite for this type of testing. You do need to spend some money and time for this to work but it almost always gets superb results and returns.


Another quick and easy thing to play with for super quick growth. This site receives more than 7000 impressions a month of over 90% tier 1 traffic to ads on informational articles. With this type of valuable traffic, this HOT Niche, and the number of impressions, this site could be earning hundreds of dollars from ads just with the current traffic numbers. Sadly, this isn’t happening.

Why? Because to basically just test ads, in 5 minutes, I integrated AdSense auto ads to my informational articles 6 months ago and haven’t touched it ever since.

With just a slightly better ad network such as Ezoic and some ad placement testing, the ad revenue can grow 10x easily.

Amazon Product Recommendation:

This is something that I had tremendous results with when I helped a partner with his Amazon Affiliate site. This technique hasn’t been utilized on this site and is definitely applicable because there are many low-ticket items recommended in articles.

The optimization trick here is to always include a relevant up-sell or a step-up product on Amazon (that is tens of hundreds of times more expensive) for every article that is about low-ticket items. This is a proven technique that is used by a lot of the big dogs like Starbucks (they sell expensive espresso machines even though their primary product is $3 coffee) and it works like a charm with Amazon too.

In my experience (and experience of most of the others), this optimization technique can realistically double Amazon income.

Guest Post & Niche Edits:

Probably the easiest and quickest way to boost the income of the site by a few hundred bucks. I remember I got around 4-5 link insert or guest post inquiries per month back when I used to check the email for this site and I sold a couple of them for around $80 each (I didn’t include these in when calculating the average monthly income of the site – only stable affiliate and ad income where calculated).

Just by focusing on these 4 optimization techniques on a handful of the most impactful pages, without any improvement in google rankings, writing new content, doing keyword research, or improving existing content, you can increase the sites income 6 to 8 times easily by investing a few hours a week in a few months’ time. And this is just scratching the surface of growth and expansion, I didn't want to include everything in this thread as it would end up being way too long.

Further Growth:
Lastly, I’ll quickly mention a few things you could improve after you’ve tackled the optimization (again, more on this after you contact me).

Growing traffic in low competition sub-niche 1:

This should IMO be the primary content creation strategy as this niche really only has 1 or 2 real competitors that are the same size of this site. That means that most currently not targeted keywords are there for the taking. With already 52 written articles closely related to this sub-niche, the existing topical-relevancy will get you very far if you invest in around 30-40 (my estimate) more articles.

Link Building:

Huge opportunity to push existing buyer intent keywords as no meaningful link building has been done for this site whatsoever - all the rankings achieved with keyword targeted, topically related content.

Site Speed:

Site is currently hosted on a cheap shared hosting, so investing in this could boost both UX and Rankings.

Ok, so that was a nice summary of what the site looks like now and what to expect from it in the future. If you've made it here, congrats! You should now have a much better idea if this site is a good fit for you or not. Still, this is just a fraction of the data, so the next step to take is to contact me.

IMPORTANT: The site will be up for sale until the end of Q2 at most. If it’s not sold until then (which I doubt), it will go to my business partner who primarily grows Amazon Affiliate Sites and we'll split the future profits.


: No Refunds After The Website Is Sold & All The Data Is Transferred
(As already mentioned, I will not sell you the site until you're absolutely satisfied that you've seen every relevant stat about the site)
Marketplace Thread Approved

The moderation staff has confirmed that the website for sale is owned by the seller operating this sales thread and that all of the advertised points in this BST are correct. As we cannot guarantee satisfaction with the product upon purchase, please do your own due diligence into the seller and what they are offering before purchase.

Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
Information For Buyers:
  • Service Quality: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.
  • Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
  • Review Copies: Per the marketplace rules, if a seller does not offer trials or review copies, please do not request them in the sales thread, otherwise your post will be removed and further action may be taken.
WARNING: THIS IS A LONG READ! (3K+ Words) - If you feel this is too much to read or takes too much of your time, do us both a favor and look for a different investment. Only contact me after you’ve read everything I wrote below. It’s in your best interest to be well-informed before you make an investment. I won’t waste time with people asking basic questions that have already been answered in the thread.

Ok, let’s immediately get the big question out the way. Why am I selling?

1. I don’t have the time and 2. SEO niche sites are not my primary focus anymore. Also, I’m feeling guilty thinking about this site just sitting there, collecting dust, bringing in little cash when it could be earning thousands for someone who invests just a little focused time and effort into it.

Is This An Investment For You?

Now that we cleared that up, let me point out a few important things before we go into the stats for this site.

First, I believe that the more critical data you have, the better picture of a business you will have and the better your decision making gets. That’s why I will share with you every single relevant piece of information about this site, both good and bad, both risks and opportunities, benefits and drawbacks, so that you can get a real sense of how is the site doing, what to expect from it in terms of economics, and ultimately decide on your own, without my influence, if this is an investment for you.

Why am I doing this? Because it’s in my best interest. Most people looking for online investments at this price point aren’t beginners. They aren’t falling for the usual marketing blathering that the so called “gurus” sell on social media these days, with unfortunately great success. I know that if you are reading this, you most likely are not the average bear and you know how to recognize value. Just the fact that you’re on this forum, looking for investments tells me that you are way more sophisticated than most.

All this means that to actually sell this site to YOU at this place and this price point, I can’t afford to present, hold back or interpret data misleadingly. Why? Because, if you are actually interested in buying this site, I’m certain that you will see through any bullshit I might try to sell just by looking at the real and raw data, and the stats never lie. Even if you at first believe that this is a great investment and an excellent opportunity, you most likely won't go through with it if you find out that I'm deceptive. If the trust shattered, there will be no sale and I know that.

That’s the reason I will share every last bit of detail there is with you, and if I miss ANYTHING, even the smallest measurement, I DEMAND you ask me and receive that info. You will be able to corroborate the credibility of every single bit of information I share with you by looking at the official dashboards where they were measured (G. Analytics, GSC, AdSense Dashboard, A. Affiliates Dashboard, WordPress) to ensure absolute transparency.

I WILL NOT sell you this site if I see that you don’t have the resources or knowledge to grow it or if you don’t examine all the facts carefully. I’ve had a few offers I rejected for this very reason. Getting cash for this site is secondary. I’m selling primarily for creating long-lasting business relationships.

Sure, cash is what I ultimately strive for, but at this point a few thousand bucks I get from this sale aren’t as valuable to me as a promising connection we can make. That’s where the real money is. So, it is in my interest for YOU TO BE PROFITABLE. The price is there primarily to sort the winners from the losers.

If you see that I’m honest and knowledgeable and vice versa, we can do so much more than just grab the money or make a nice profit of an investment. I’ve chosen this price and this forum to sell for a very good reason. You are also reading this for a very good reason.

If you share my values and think this site might be a good investment for you, after you read the rest of the thread, contact me via [email protected] to discuss, get in-depth information and insights about the site.

IMPORTANT: Put the “[Website Sale] Your BHW Username or Your Name” in the email subject, otherwise, you’ll be ignored. Note that you will get instantly disqualified as a potential buyer if you ask for the URL right away without prior discussion – I assure you that you will get all the details you need if you’re up front with me but NEVER try to waste my time.

OK, now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at the abbreviated presentation of the website to get a first good look at what to expect:

Present & Past Data:

Main Stats:
  • Age: 2 Years Old (Ranking On Google From April/May 2020)
  • Average Monthly Income Last 6 Months (Amazon Affiliates + AdSense): $148.51
  • Average Monthly Income Last 12 Months (Amazon Affiliates + Last 6 Months AdSense): $105.8
  • Average Monthly Page Views Last 6 Months: 4,213 (around 1/3 buyer intent pages & around 2/3 informational pages)
  • Average Tier 1 (US, UK, Canada, Australia) Page Views % Per Month: 89.85%
  • Average % Of Acquisition Via Organic Search: 94%

Seed Niche (Home Improvement):

Is one of the best niches to get into right NOW either online or offline IMO. The trend is very clear - Home improvement is in more demand NOW than ever. The top two dogs of the industry Home Depot & Lowe’s both had record breaking years last fiscal year and the two years before. Their stock is on the continuous rise and the overall demand for home improvement work, tools, materials, and equipment is steadily ascending since the pandemic started.


[Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/home-renovations-wont-get-easier-or-cheaper-this-year-but-that-doesnt-mean-you-should-wait-11648231750?mod=flipboard_pf#:~:text=The%20pandemic%20triggered,natural%20disaster%20preparation.]

If there ever was a time to jump into this HOT niche it’s NOW! This is a massive opportunity to get a jump start in this niche right away and capitalize on the current upward trend.

Present Value:


If we calculate the average monthly income of the last 6 months ($148.51) and multiply it with 36, we get an estimated price of $5,346.24.

If you think that’s unfair or unreliable, we can go even farther and use the monthly average income of the last 12 months ($105.8) * 36 to get to $3,808.8, even though the full monetization potential wasn't achieved until 7-8 months ago (AdSense was integrated 6 months ago and Amazon UK and Canada around 7-8 months ago).


There are 106 articles published (each ranking on Google) with a total wordcount of 242,205 words. Of those 240k, 9,522 words are from the general home improvement articles that don’t target any keywords or bring consistent income (although I did sell a couple of link inserts for them and have not included that income when calculating average monthly income), so we will count those out. That leaves us with 231,549 words of highly keyword targeted content.

I’ll be honest with you; the content isn’t superb but it isn’t bad either. It was written by average native English speakers and makes sense, was researched, is readable, converts, but can be improved. To give you a picture of how good the content is in terms of conversion, (which is the ultimate goal, right?) let’s look at some stats and numbers. Last Month, we had a CTR from “best x for y” articles to Amazon of 50% and a Conversion Rate on Amazon was 17.56%. Along with that, the site was accepted within its first application into both Amazon Affiliate Program and AdSense which couldn’t have happened if the content was awful.

Based on that, we can safely say that this content does convert pretty ok and is at least of acceptable quality. An average rate for such content might be around $20 per 1000 words, so we can say that the content alone is worth $4,630.98. But let’s say that I’m exaggerating and the content is really bellow average. That would put it at around $10 per 1000 words which is very close to what most average non-native English copywriters charge and would bring the value of the content down to $2,315.49.

Now, let’s disregard all the other valuables such as 90% Tier 1 traffic, 2 Year ranking History on Google, Sub-Niche Authority, Topical Relevancy, and 4200 average monthly page views. Just by scratching the surface of the value of this site, we get to a figure of $6,124.29 by only summing undervalued content and depreciated average monthly income. You get the whole site package that has tons of other additional valuables for the price of $5,500.

Healthy Income, Traffic, Sub-Niche & Content Distribution:

In terms of diversification and longevity, this site stands strong.


One of the biggest advantages of this site is the traffic geo. It’s the most valuable traffic there is. In the last month, more than 90% of the overall site traffic came from US, UK, Canada and Australia. With over a 1000 tier 1 pageviews a month coming from buyer intent keywords, you can imagine the value and unexploited potential. If you focus on optimizing the pages that receive this golden traffic you can realistically get to 4 figures income just from the current numbers (more on that later).


Is spread out and between 2 niches and doesn’t rely on either one. Both niches are contributing to income & traffic. There is no dependency on a handful of pages for traffic, which is the case with the vast majority of Amazon Affiliate Sites. Most visited page gets just 16% of the overall traffic, while the top 10 most visited pages make up only 60% of all traffic.

Income from 2 streams:

Consistent and predictable average 19.75% Conversion rate on Amazon along with AdSense earnings coming in every month.


Evenly spread out between tens of pages (Top 10 pages in terms of pageviews make up just 60% of the overall page views to the site). US is dominant, but other tier 1 countries (UK, Canada, Australia) make up 20% of the overall traffic and all tier 1 countries contribute to income.


Established Authority in Sub-Niches & 2 Years on Google Search Results:

All of the 106 articles on site are indexed and are all ranking on Google. There are more than 250k words of content on site and every single word is indexed – some as long as 2 years!


As I promised, here are the current negatives and the reasons why you shouldn’t invest in this site:

Was on a downward trend in traffic & earnings:

No, I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. The site saw a decline in traffic and income (roughly 40-50% decline) from December 2021 until February 2022 because of Google Updates and seasonality. The good news is that it started going back up in both traffic and income in the last month (3119 pageviews last month) and my prediction is that it’s going to continue in that direction in the future months (more so as we get closer to Q4), especially if someone starts working on it.


Content Quality:

This is not really a con but still has to be pointed out IMO. As I already mentioned the content quality is about average (some excellent posts and some a bit thin) and is definitely something that could be improved for an immediate impact.

If conversion rate is a good measurement of content quality, around 20% average CR on Amazon tells us that the content makes sense and does sell even though it’s not the best it can be.

Mostly Relies On 1 Media (Google):

I think this is frequently overlooked when people invest in sites. Most niche sites rely on just 1 media for their traffic and we know that isn’t preferable. This site has 95% traffic acquisition through Search Engines and the source of 85% of all traffic is Google. Again, you will see this with most sites (which doesn’t mean it’s good) so it’s nothing out of the ordinary.

[FUTURE] Scaling Opportunities
If you carefully read the previous sections, you should now have a pretty good idea of what the current value of this site is. With that out of the way, let’s now look at the immense potential this site has and what you can expect from it in terms of economics if you invest just a fraction of your time and effort.

This is IMO what your first scaling step in the growth hierarchy should be. When I created this site, I focused mostly on niche and keyword research so any further optimization of the articles and the site itself was minimal. I haven’t touched the site in months and now that I’m revisiting all the stats, I see that there are huge leverages to be gained just by doing a few small tests and optimizing a handful of things. Don't forget that optimization growth is exponential, so if you focus on maxing out and improving tier 1 buyer intent pages the rewards for your efforts can be insanely high!

I won’t go into much detail and list all the opportunities in this thread as it would be way to long, (be sure to ask for more details when you contact me) but here is a quick and dirty summary of what you can do right away with this site for fast growth:


The article titles on this site aren’t optimized at all. They are all generic “best x for y in year” kind of titles that I know for certain can be optimized for a much higher CTR from my experience with other affiliate sites I was invested in. Realistically, you can expect CTR and traffic growth at least doubling just by changing, removing or adding a few words to the titles of the top 3 buyer intent and informational articles. AdWords is my favorite for this type of testing. You do need to spend some money and time for this to work but it almost always gets superb results and returns.


Another quick and easy thing to play with for super quick growth. This site receives more than 7000 impressions a month of over 90% tier 1 traffic to ads on informational articles. With this type of valuable traffic, this HOT Niche, and the number of impressions, this site could be earning hundreds of dollars from ads just with the current traffic numbers. Sadly, this isn’t happening.

Why? Because to basically just test ads, in 5 minutes, I integrated AdSense auto ads to my informational articles 6 months ago and haven’t touched it ever since.

With just a slightly better ad network such as Ezoic and some ad placement testing, the ad revenue can grow 10x easily.

Amazon Product Recommendation:

This is something that I had tremendous results with when I helped a partner with his Amazon Affiliate site. This technique hasn’t been utilized on this site and is definitely applicable because there are many low-ticket items recommended in articles.

The optimization trick here is to always include a relevant up-sell or a step-up product on Amazon (that is tens of hundreds of times more expensive) for every article that is about low-ticket items. This is a proven technique that is used by a lot of the big dogs like Starbucks (they sell expensive espresso machines even though their primary product is $3 coffee) and it works like a charm with Amazon too.

In my experience (and experience of most of the others), this optimization technique can realistically double Amazon income.

Guest Post & Niche Edits:

Probably the easiest and quickest way to boost the income of the site by a few hundred bucks. I remember I got around 4-5 link insert or guest post inquiries per month back when I used to check the email for this site and I sold a couple of them for around $80 each (I didn’t include these in when calculating the average monthly income of the site – only stable affiliate and ad income where calculated).

Just by focusing on these 4 optimization techniques on a handful of the most impactful pages, without any improvement in google rankings, writing new content, doing keyword research, or improving existing content, you can increase the sites income 6 to 8 times easily by investing a few hours a week in a few months’ time. And this is just scratching the surface of growth and expansion, I didn't want to include everything in this thread as it would end up being way too long.

Further Growth:
Lastly, I’ll quickly mention a few things you could improve after you’ve tackled the optimization (again, more on this after you contact me).

Growing traffic in low competition sub-niche 1:

This should IMO be the primary content creation strategy as this niche really only has 1 or 2 real competitors that are the same size of this site. That means that most currently not targeted keywords are there for the taking. With already 52 written articles closely related to this sub-niche, the existing topical-relevancy will get you very far if you invest in around 30-40 (my estimate) more articles.

Link Building:

Huge opportunity to push existing buyer intent keywords as no meaningful link building has been done for this site whatsoever - all the rankings achieved with keyword targeted, topically related content.

Site Speed:

Site is currently hosted on a cheap shared hosting, so investing in this could boost both UX and Rankings.

Ok, so that was a nice summary of what the site looks like now and what to expect from it in the future. If you've made it here, congrats! You should now have a much better idea if this site is a good fit for you or not. Still, this is just a fraction of the data, so the next step to take is to contact me.

IMPORTANT: The site will be up for sale until the end of Q2 at most. If it’s not sold until then (which I doubt), it will go to my business partner who primarily grows Amazon Affiliate Sites and we'll split the future profits.


: No Refunds After The Website Is Sold & All The Data Is Transferred
(As already mentioned, I will not sell you the site until you're absolutely satisfied that you've seen every relevant stat about the site)
Can you please post the complete GSC screenshot since 2020 or the longest time you can?
Can you please post the complete GSC screenshot since 2020 or the longest time you can?
I didn't post the GSC screenshot since I included a screenshot of Google Analytics and the graphs are pretty much the same as almost more than 80% of all traffic comes from Google. Anyway, here is what the GSC looks like currently (last 16 months):

GSC Last 16 Months.png
I didn't post the GSC screenshot since I included a screenshot of Google Analytics and the graphs are pretty much the same as almost more than 80% of all traffic comes from Google. Anyway, here is what the GSC looks like currently (last 16 months):

View attachment 207766
why was the big drop in Nov-Dec? bad backlinks perhaps?
why was the big drop in Nov-Dec? bad backlinks perhaps?
Already covered that in the opening post but I'll still answer it. There is no way to tell definitely but Seasonality and Google Updates are the most likely culprits. No backlinks were built to the site by me and no bad links discovered in the GSC - the backlinks weren't the cause of the drop. Traffic from google and other search engines is slowly but steadily going up from beginning of the March. Expecting it to continue in that direction as we approach Q3.
Already covered that in the opening post but I'll still answer it. There is no way to tell definitely but Seasonality and Google Updates are the most likely culprits. No backlinks were built to the site by me and no bad links discovered in the GSC - the backlinks weren't the cause of the drop. Traffic from google and other search engines is slowly but steadily going up from beginning of the March. Expecting it to continue in that direction as we approach Q3.
I'm interested, but unless traffic gets back to where it was in GSC and is stable, I'll pass :/
I'm interested, but unless traffic gets back to where it was in GSC and is stable, I'll pass :/
That's fair, but just bear in mind that with that amount/quality of daily traffic (around 250, 90% tier 1 pageviews a day) and those monthly earnings ($250+) the price would go up significantly. That kind of website can go for $10k+ easily. That's why the site is priced the way it is now.

Still, it has tons of potential and can easily go back to where it was the last Q4. I dare to say that at least half of that traffic loss was due to seasonality, (based on stats of other home improvement sites I was able to have a look at) so it can definitely hit close to those kinds of numbers this year as well.

Had you read the thread carefully, you would have noticed that I said the site is up for sale only until the end of Q2 (if it's not sold, it goes to my business partner and we split the profits). So, you're not buying it for what it's now, you're buying it for its superb potential (that is historically confirmed through data). With a current average of 100 tier 1 (US, UK, CAN, AUS) pageviews a day, it can be scaled to a high 3 and maybe even 4 figures a month just with the present numbers if optimized by an experienced marketer.
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