Seems like it's impossible for me to start making money online


Feb 16, 2017
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Hello guys , it's been a while now that i'm looking for all the opportunities on how start generating money and that will not cost me a lot of time ( of course i'm not looking for big numbers , only a small amount to start investing ) but any time , it seems like the market is saturated , and that as a beginner , i have no chance , or i need to invest a lot of time ! I'm ready to invest time but not now , i need to start , i need to see hope . I'm a student , with some knowledge in programming , but i'm a good designer ( i think ) , i have been finalist at 99designs , i really invested lots of effort to get there , but nothing , didn't win any thing ... I tried my best at upwork , nothing , Peopleperhour , nothing , and the thing is that when it comes to design , the market is oversaturated , you don't need to have good designs to be chosen , you need to have experience and lots of feedbacks .... I do montage , photography , videography all the shit that is related to that domain , but still nothing .
I'm new here , your advices are really priceless , so please tell what to do , what to change . I'm not giving up if doesn't go well here too :D , but i think i will have answers here .
I made 1 website bought couple pbns ranked 13th and then fucked it up 404 errors on the wp-admin login so I'm quitting and starting a new project. I'm a student looking for help also I just want to make money little by little. I would love to Skype, msg, videos, also I would accept anything helpful info I just started scrolling through forum in school today looking at the 100/day Adsense blog.
Ok so, you can invest time right? You can probably try starting up a blog. Make a youtube channel, a facebook page, a twitter account for it. Make some tutorials, post it on blog and the linked social medias. Monetize it with ads or promote affiliate products related to your niches? Hopefully you learned some SEO here.
Freelancing is hard to get into the initial period i suppose. Don't give up.
There's tons of different methods laid out everywhere in this forum. Read them all, and give them a shot, people are still making money with them. You seem to walk away from an opportunity when a market seems "oversaturated", but a new and fresh method is unlikely to just walk by when it's most convenient for you. If you're not willing to invest time, then perhaps you're not cut out for making money online.
Its just the beginning... there are numerous ways to start earning online. I think you have reached the right forum to know about all of them as this forum is filled with all the knowledge you need. Currently I am using facebook fans pages to make money online. Let me know if you need any help on FB fans page. BEST OF LUCK and don't lose hope!
Dont stop building your portfolio, just create stuff daily and upload to faceboo, instagram and so on. On freelance sites try to be as responsive as possible
Its just the beginning... there are numerous ways to start earning online. I think you have reached the right forum to know about all of them as this forum is filled with all the knowledge you need. Currently I am using facebook fans pages to make money online. Let me know if you need any help on FB fans page. BEST OF LUCK and don't lose hope!
Hello , thank you for your reply , how do you use them ? do you have a blog and you rediect traffic to that blog or do you sell something ? and how much time it took to build your page ? and how many followers do you have ? sorry for all these questions it's just that i wanna know more , thank you
The thing about winning is, you will always come up with competition no matter what you try your luck in. But the only way to win is to beat the competitors.

You shouldnt be thinking how to find an unsaturated niche or untapped money stream, because they dont exist. Instead think of ways to beat your competitors. You have the opportunity to reverse engeneer what yor competitors do and see their flaws you can improove on.

Itsa all about slow and steady progress.
"Slow and steady wins the race" - Jeb Bush

And always have a pocket full of turtles at hand.
Op there is only 1 problem that keeps you from success. You believe you're better than you really are. It's a mental problem. Who ever taught you that you should hijack your ego/brain in such manner, gave you attitude that will work with girls, but won't work in online business. Market doesn't care about your history, indirect achievements, diploma, shitty low level university courses you attended. Its time to clash with real players. Its like being good at game in single player, and then you sit in LAN/MP and get your ass rekt. Start learning and working 12 hours a day. 6 x 2 hour sessions with 15-40 minutes break between. 3 sessions reserved for learning theory, 3 sessions for practice. Rest of your life will suffer. Maybe your grades @ uni, or your social life. But pay the price. Go hard or go home.
The thing about winning is, you will always come up with competition no matter what you try your luck in. But the only way to win is to beat the competitors.

You shouldnt be thinking how to find an unsaturated niche or untapped money stream, because they dont exist. Instead think of ways to beat your competitors. You have the opportunity to reverse engeneer what yor competitors do and see their flaws you can improove on.

Itsa all about slow and steady progress.
"Slow and steady wins the race" - Jeb Bush

And always have a pocket full of turtles at hand.
Posts inspiring text that ends with a quote by jeb bush.. haha nigga please!
Op there is only 1 problem that keeps you from success. You believe you're better than you really are. It's a mental problem. Who ever taught you that you should hijack your ego/brain in such manner, gave you attitude that will work with girls, but won't work in online business. Market doesn't care about your history, indirect achievements, diploma, shitty low level university courses you attended. Its time to clash with real players. Its like being good at game in single player, and then you sit in LAN/MP and get your ass rekt. Start learning and working 12 hours a day. 6 x 2 hour sessions with 15-40 minutes break between. 3 sessions reserved for learning theory, 3 sessions for practice. Rest of your life will suffer. Maybe your grades @ uni, or your social life. But pay the price. Go hard or go home.
I totally agree with you , but as beginners , how can we exploit those 3 sessions in learning and 3 in practice , how can we learn and practice , is there any availabl programms to follow etc..
Hello guys , it's been a while now that i'm looking for all the opportunities on how start generating money and that will not cost me a lot of time ( of course i'm not looking for big numbers , only a small amount to start investing ) but any time , it seems like the market is saturated , and that as a beginner , i have no chance , or i need to invest a lot of time ! I'm ready to invest time but not now , i need to start , i need to see hope . I'm a student , with some knowledge in programming , but i'm a good designer ( i think ) , i have been finalist at 99designs , i really invested lots of effort to get there , but nothing , didn't win any thing ... I tried my best at upwork , nothing , Peopleperhour , nothing , and the thing is that when it comes to design , the market is oversaturated , you don't need to have good designs to be chosen , you need to have experience and lots of feedbacks .... I do montage , photography , videography all the shit that is related to that domain , but still nothing .
I'm new here , your advices are really priceless , so please tell what to do , what to change . I'm not giving up if doesn't go well here too :D , but i think i will have answers here .
Take the time to fully understand this

I totally agree with you , but as beginners , how can we exploit those 3 sessions in learning and 3 in practice , how can we learn and practice , is there any availabl programms to follow etc..

Forget programs. Forget linear. Online world is not school. Knowledge has mesh structure, and sometimes its circular. There is certain intelligence requirement to identify what do you need to know, and its the hardest part. Because brain, by default, is problem solver, not problem gatherer. It will never swamp itself with random problems, it converges towards serenity and empty schedule. Thats why you ask for program, you want external problem gathering, which doesn't work due to dynamic nature of internet. You never built an obstacle for yourself to jump over. Master that, and you will have no problem finding useful stuff to do for 12 h/ day
Hello , thank you for your reply , how do you use them ? do you have a blog and you rediect traffic to that blog or do you sell something ? and how much time it took to build your page ? and how many followers do you have ? sorry for all these questions it's just that i wanna know more , thank you
I have multiple pages, the largest one is 1.5 Mn. Took me almost around 14 months to build this page. Till last year end I was using Mylikes to monetize from my FB pages but now I am completely on ViralAux as they are offering me high rates than Mylikes (also mylikes is now only allowing verified pages). Inbox me if you need any more help
if a niche is saturated, there is money in it. u just had to make an effort to find a way.
Nothing is Impossible!
You know design and you know some programming. Learn SEO and start your own affiliate websites. That will require lots of time though. If you're not willing to put in the time, and stick to it, you won't get anywhere. The first year will likely yield you almost nothing. Get past that, learn from your experience and mistakes and you should start seeing a little more money come in.