[Scribd] Omfg what is happening


Registered Member
Jul 12, 2008
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holy shit. i posted a scribd on a hot trend about hulk hogan attempting suicide about 6 hours ago. I come back to check the scribd stats and this is what i get

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18,456 Reads | 0 Downloads | 1 Comment

WTF. it keeps going up by 50 everytime i refresh. must be some kind of bug..

* nows its at 20,000
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Did you check the Google Ranking? Maybe it's ranked high already and the reads are real.
im really newb at this stuff. how would i check ranking of a scribd?
What was the trend keyword? You're ranking #7 on google.com for the term "Hulk Hogan Attempts Suicide Laila Ali", #5 for "
Hulk Hogan Attempts Suicide Laila" without quotes but nowhere for "Hulk Hogan Attempts Suicide". I was refreshing your article & there seems to be a LOT of hits coming in, not sure if they are real or not, though.
U actually posted it 4 hours ago:P

and in terms of checking ranking just enter " hulk hogan attempts suicide" in google and see how high in ranks you are :)
nice targetted traffic make any dosh with adsense and clickbank muscle product?
yeah man i only had like 60 a few hours ago. and now its going ape shit.. i would love to know where this is coming from.
well i have 880 impressions for the blog and i made 4 dollars so far with 4 clicks. no sales on clickbank yet.
If you write about a low competition hot trend on an authority site, you get amazing traffic.

I had an authority blog, and I used the trends method to make money through adsense. It was great until google turned up and spoiled the party. I suspect it was dupe content.