ScrapeBox the ULTIMATE SERP Scraper & Auto Blog Commenter with PRStorm Mode

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thx for the reply, i know u very bussy cause the update very fast :)

Indeed, and because of this .18 has just been released which contains a "Check for Updates" feature built in to the app which also shows what's new screenshot.

I also done some video's like you wanted, basic harvesting and using Ping Mode. They won't win any awards but ok for a first attempt, i'll do some more tomorrow on commenting to Wordpress and Movable Type plus sending RSS Pings.

Just ordered, hope to post good thoughts soon :)

Thanks mate, all approved and ready to roll. :)
Are you going to include a proxy importer? (something like tube increaser which had it built in)

Or where do you recommend to get tons of free solid working proxies?
i suggest you to add auto harvest proxy list from web proxy list.
Great tool this

Had a few issues with it but support is great, and it gets updated / fixed fast.

Can I suggest aswell as checking PR that links are checked to see if they are dead links,and then have a remove dead links button.
This would help when you import old lists not generated by scrapebox.
Are you going to include a proxy importer? (something like tube increaser which had it built in)

Or where do you recommend to get tons of free solid working proxies?

i suggest you to add auto harvest proxy list from web proxy list.

I did think about this before, the only trouble is you don't have much control over the quality of the proxies. It may end up scraping 1,000 proxies and only 1 is any good.

Normally people have their favorite sources/lists, also BHW has a dedicated forum for sharing lists. Then there is free dedicated proxy tools like Charon which does this. ScrapeBox cleans your lists to discard dead/slow proxies in 2 ways, a ping to see if it's alive then a small request to Google to ensure it's not blocked for too many queries.

So the ScrapeBox proxy checker is slightly unique to a regular ping check.

Let me have a think about this.

Allright! Just bought this, and sent a request for activation. Can't wait to test this it! :D

Can I suggest aswell as checking PR that links are checked to see if they are dead links,and then have a remove dead links button.
This would help when you import old lists not generated by scrapebox.

Good idea, give me 15 minutes.
Ive tested this out and it does work as stated. Ive scraped a few 5k+ URL lists, done removal of duplicate URLs and domains, used blog posting functionality and its all worked pretty good so far.

I ran a list of 2.4k blog posts through the comment poster with my half assed crappily thrown together comments then ran the list of results through my link checker. I had about as many stick as you could ask for.

Tool works and works pretty well, its not a nooby tool so you will need to know why you want the tool but there are some good facets to this and it will be very useful in the future.

how long did all that take? Is this program quick?
AWESOME tool!! :D

It's FAST, it's RELIABLE, it harvests LASER TARGETED SITES to your kw's, it's EASY TO USE and I LOVE IT!

I would call this the ultimate backlinking machine! :D

Indeed, and because of this .18 has just been released which contains a "Check for Updates" feature built in to the app which also shows what's new screenshot.

I also done some video's like you wanted, basic harvesting and using Ping Mode. They won't win any awards but ok for a first attempt, i'll do some more tomorrow on commenting to Wordpress and Movable Type plus sending RSS Pings.

hey thx for this, it's really helpfull, I like ur scrapebox, very powerfull and have many function. I do suggest for auto harvest proxy too like other mate suggestion, at least it's serve such an option for us that can not afford to buy private proxy.
Can I suggest aswell as checking PR that links are checked to see if they are dead links,and then have a remove dead links button.
This would help when you import old lists not generated by scrapebox.

I have just uploaded build with this link checking functionality.

For URL's you want to check, run them in Ping Mode (see video) and ping the list of URL's you want to check if they are dead/alive. You can export just the working URL's, just the dead URL's or all URL's to make your lists clean so they are all valid and alive URL's.

I do suggest for auto harvest proxy too like other mate suggestion, at least it's serve such an option for us that can not afford to buy private proxy.

Ok i will explore around for sources to scrape them from and do some tests tomorrow, i need to put myself in hibernation mode for a few hours it's been a long day.

pdoods - Excellent, glad you love it time to have some fun. ;)
Just had to pop back in here and 40 years..I have NEVER received the support that Iam getting from Sweetfunny....truly a cut above!
Just had to pop back in here and 40 years..I have NEVER received the support that Iam getting from Sweetfunny....truly a cut above!

Thanks mate, as soon as you forwarded me your lists the problems were obvious. Bad user input data, your proxy list:

123.456.789.002:80 0.3690

The "0.3690" is obviously some leftover ping times from wherever you obtained/pasted the list from plus it had "Tab" spaces between the Proxy and Port as well as unrelated data.

Whenever a thread grabbed that, all hell broke loose giving you your random crashes. Released

* Sanitize bad/malformed data from users proxy lists.

Download that and give it a try, when your proxy lists are messed up with junk/unrelated data it will do it's best to clean them.
I bought ScrapeBox yesterday, play with it a little while. All I can say, it's the best and fastest scrapper I've ever seen.

Thank you for this great tool.
I just bought it...yaaaayyy
Just got activated...yaaaaayyy
Will have a look at it tomorrow and see what it can do- expectations are pretty high :)

So far..
bloody (can I say bloody) good support + and quick responses to my stupid questions...yaaayyyy

I agree with Rizzmond,would be great if we could have the option to remove dead links...or at least mark them..even if it is manually as you come across dead links..or something like that
Thanks younguy, nossie and green-tea. :)

I agree with Rizzmond,would be great if we could have the option to remove dead links...or at least mark them..even if it is manually as you come across dead links..or something like that

This was added yesterday, you can use Ping Mode see screenshot. The referrer you can just put as any domain such as Google, then load the list of sites you want to check and just ping them all. You can see i added "" as the last entry, which of course is 404 and doesn't exist so it failed. Then you can export a list of Alive, Dead or All sites.
Seems like the program posts quotes "" around the name when it is posting comments. Like i would put a name like fried chicken into my name text file and when I check the comments it posted on the sites, it would look like "fried chicken". Any ideas on this?
Seems like the program posts quotes "" around the name when it is posting comments. Like i would put a name like fried chicken into my name text file and when I check the comments it posted on the sites, it would look like "fried chicken". Any ideas on this?

Just jumped in to bed on the laptop, but soon as i wake up i'll check and upload a fix if confirmed. If you ever notice any quirks, please submit it on the ScrapeBox site i get an instant alert (same with PM's) so it's the quickest way to reach me.

Looks good. Got paid today, so I bought a copy. Just got done doing the activation part. Thanks
I just wanted to throw something out there that I don't think anyone has addressed. Windows XP (Since sp2, and probably vista and windows 7 im sure) limits the maximum amount of tcp connections. You can verify if you are getting limited by checking the event viewer and looking for event ID 4226. If you have this problem, don't worry it can be easily fixed.

Check this out and install the patch. It will help with bittorrent and anything else you are doing that opens tons of connections as well.

This may or may not be the cause of some problems, I suppose I will find out soon because I am going to purchase the software :D If it helped solve a problem do I get a discount??? :P Sounds like great software
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