Scrapebox don't work


Regular Member
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, my scrapebox simple didn't work, it says that the post has been approved but in fact it isn't, I checked and tested commenting manually on the blogs, and my comment shows immediatly. What is wrong with this software?
My connection is 10 Mbp/s the problem is with my settings or what? What settings should I use?
As I just used it myself, you're obviously doing something wrong. Check out the tutorial videos on youtube, or contact support..
I have checked the tutorials, the problem is: the blog is AA as I checked myself commenting manually, also Scrapebox says that the comment have been submitted, but it hasn't.
What cms did it not post to?

Did you manually use a captcha?

And was your email address different on the manual one?

Alternatively your proxys have been blacklisted due to too much spamming.

Successfully submitted means that the comment was Submitted.
To check if the link is live use the LinkChecker.
No, the blogs don't have captcha, I have tested with and without proxies, the program says it have been submitted, but I check and the comment isn't there. If I post manually the blog approves instantly my comment.
Are you using the latest version of SB?