- Mar 18, 2012
- 146
- 45
The state of our chariot:
1/6 heroes
1/6 heroes
First of all the most important question for me before we can work together is what you believe?
I believe in that there is no time to lose. Someone once said "hapiness, money and freedom are not waiting for you".I believe that there is a balance, there are always 2 sides: good and evil. I believe in myself. I believe that to earn good cash we dont need to know much. We dont have to wait a month for our paychecks. We have to believe in same things. We have to create good TEAM. I love that word, TEAM.
You dont believe in the same things? Dont waste your time...
You believe in the same things?
Get ready to open first page of our adventure book...
Chapter One - TEAM.
"machine to put up websites online with professionalism"
Team is the the most important thing. Everyone will be equal. Every member of our mystic team will have a title. Title is important beacuse title explains everything. If you feel good in any of these titles that mean you are a good part of OUR TEAM. I realize that you can have enough experience points to carry many titles.
We will use closed forum and keep things simple. Everyone will drop collected data there.Team will operate according to the following scheme.
"The Researcher"
subclass: scout
Some reality:Old legend says that he can find all the companies in the world who needs a website. he never miss.
Hero who finds the organizations, businesses, people or whatever who will pay for doing the website. He collects contact data, and forwards them to
"Wizard of Persuasion"
subclass: thief
Old legend says that he can find all the positive aspects of having a website. There are rumors that he has a wonderful voice and the possibility of persuasion combine to make him a great trader.
Some reality:
Hero who creates trust and professionalism using his own methods. He's the reason the client wants to sign a contract.After he collects data he forwards them to
"Immortal Scribe"
subclass: guardian
Old legend says that he knew the law even before it was established. He is invisible good team spirit, everything is happening behind his back, he is already old and gray, but immortal. Nobody looks at his hands. Maybe because he knows a lot of influential people ...
Some reality:
Hero who creates a content agreement with the client (about making a website). He take all the paperwork and the discharge of the tax (if necessary
"The Magic Word"
subclass: wizard
An old legend says that it has a mysterious power that allows him to swap words into gold. in express time
Some reality:
Thats the content writer, based on contract and business type he writes all the seo friendly content for website.Then he forward it to
"Strange Painter"
subclass: bard
Old legend says that he have always empty pockets and a bag full of dreams, you should know that long ago he sold his soul to the world of brushes
Some reality:
That's me. Im simply creating wordpress site with free or [not] paid template. I fill it with content provided to me.I do not create shit.
"Black Assassin"
subclass: assassin
Old legend says that he can bring people from outer space
Some reality:
SEO and social traffic provider.
Chapter Two - Keep our adventure simple.
Why so many heroes?
Its simple...
Our goal is simple...
Make things simple...
Take the easy and fast money.
Art lies in combining things.
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