Rock bottom but the only way is up! (instagram journey)


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2018
Reaction score
So during my daily grind I realised I had not updated my journey thread and also realized I had surpassed my initial goal of 100 instagram accounts.
(yay for me :p) I will be creating this new thread as I start a new journey

One thing that helped me get to this point sooner than I had expected was being let go by my company due to cut backs...
But wait...there is a twist :anyway:
I am on a work permit in the states and currently transitioning to a green card.
The twist is that I am allowed to stay here whilst i switch but cannot get a new job for around 4 months whilst i wait for my work permit to get extended.
The timing of all of this was something out of a movie! :weep:

Though after being on this forum for a year or 2 and learning as much as I could I actually feel like I can keep myself afloat with all the information the people of black hat have passed down. I am most comfortable with instagram and have been carrying out the child account method recently with some good numbers to show for it.
I am currently running 100 accounts for my main account and it is growing a little over 600 followers a day right now but a chunk of those accounts are still warming up so I do expect those numbers to increase over time.
I am interested in pretty much everything instagram as I can grow pages no problem.
I am also growing someone else's instagram in the same niche and I am doing 20 child accounts for them and they are averaging around 270 followers a day which I was really pleased with.

This is going to be a new journey thread on myself becoming unemployed and not being allowed to work to using the skills I have learnt here at my time on blackhatworld and trying to make a full time income.
I can put everything through my wife's name so signing up to websites for affiliates or things of that nature won't be a problem.
Peoples suggestions and motivation will be hugely appreciated at this time.

I am going to be expanding on my network of accounts and will be looking to push to 1,000 accounts here in the next few months.
I have a close friend developing an account creator bot for me that will allow me to scale up much quicker.
Whilst I am trying to be patient with developing the new accounts I am also in a race against time to make sure I bring in some form of income so it is going to be an interesting battle of picking the right fights and winning them.

Thank you to everyone who has ever put in some good info on to this site because without knowing you were probably one of the ones who helped me along the way.

Watch this space...;)
This is a tremendous opportunity for you. I wish you the best.

Sometimes, the best opportunities come in the form of a setback or challenge

Good luck on your journey
Update: I have moved to creating my own accounts and am using an incredibly cheap proxy provider which I found here on this forum.
I was also using proxified accounts and they were working great too but I want to eliminate as much cost as possible.
I am barely resting accounts and having no problems with them. Not even action blocks!
Scaling up is a little tough because creating accounts cant take 5-10 minutes to create an account and it becomes pretty tedious.
Though I'm really happy with the direction I am headed in.
I pushed one account and it did 150 followers and 80 likes on the first day and no problems! Just crazy. Starting dm instantly too and 4 days in and still no blocks or bans. Early days I know but exciting results nevertheless.
I have 2 clients right now and it's really helping me.

I have also found the child account method interesting by not reposting as I was using gmt2 for one client and the repost tool isn't ideal for that method. I still got great results just by following and dm's.

I think there are many ways you can go about the child account method.

Though in my next update I will start posting shots of my numbers and results to give you guys a better idea of what to expect.
Just had to take some time to figure out my account problems.

Though I am alive and 2 clients in and more people wanting to get on board but even though I could do with the money I do not want to run before I can walk.

Big love to the BHW community for your support!