Rich Kids app - How would you monetize spoiled brats?


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2015
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So, there is this new social app on the App Store called Rich Kids, I saw it a couple of days ago on PhillyD's show.

The membership for this app is $1100/mo, which is absolutely ridiculous, but whatever snobs do what they do...

I started thinking ... would it worth to try monetizing them? (supposing there are enough members there already)
If yes, how would you do it?
Haven't checked it out yet, so idk how it works. I was just wondering...I mean the fact that stupid people are there just to brag about money...tempting :D
If you join you see other members? If that is the case you could join and make a site with leaked info about them.

Pretty cool idea.

Other idea, just promote some other premium service like rich kid forum or a rich kid charts site where you can pay to be at the top of the chart (I am sure there was another seemingly successful site like this a while back).
Because promoting porn to kids isn't going to cause any problems.:rolleyes:
Pretty cool idea.

Other idea, just promote some other premium service like rich kid forum or a rich kid charts site where you can pay to be at the top of the chart (I am sure there was another seemingly successful site like this a while back).

As far as I can remember there were some attempts yes but after a while they were forgotten. Wonder how long this app will last.

Btw it's funny they want to justify themselves by donating 1/3rd of the income to charity. Yes, it's a good cause...but could donate without bragging :)
Create an e-book series titled, "Dealing With Paupers" and sell it to them for the low, low price of $599.99.

Make sure to use a snooty pen name like "Carter Wellington IV" and sign your pen name on the front of the e-book with an extra fine fountain pen in looped cursive.
Make sure to use a snooty pen name like "Carter Wellington IV" and sign your pen name on the front of the e-book with an extra fine fountain pen in looped cursive.

Thanks, that made me laugh really hard :D
Well I always suggest you to watch at volumes of traffic. 1000 rich kids wont earn you as much money as 100k simple kids. More traffic = more money, also if to get inside you need to pay 1100$ so you plan to buy subscribtion just to get inside and try to promote something there by risking to get banned because of breaking some TOS and loose your 1100$ in a first days? Sounds like a plan
I dont beleve it , i was at a golf field with yes you guessed it rich sods , they got there own membership website 1 year sub dont lauth £50.000 a year , the whole club are all members , unreal what ppl spend there cash on shocking ....

Multimillionaires wasting cash unreal.

Golf club in essex all i am saying.

17 years up in age .....
Create an e-book series titled, "Dealing With Paupers" and sell it to them for the low, low price of $599.99.

Make sure to use a snooty pen name like "Carter Wellington IV" and sign your pen name on the front of the e-book with an extra fine fountain pen in looped cursive.

Zwielicht you take the cake on this one ahaha
I would tell them they are living in a simulated reality Universe really like the Matrix movies and that Physicists are coming to the same conclusion we are on some humand of the futre computer or advanced aliens race computer, and show them that they are real lucky to have this luxury life, and that I know how to be reprogrammed at end of life to be another rich person instead of a pauper slave or trying for decades to become rich or win the lottery and charge them $30 million for this enlightened info.
I would tell them they are living in a simulated reality Universe really like the Matrix movies and that Physicists are coming to the same conclusion we are on some humand of the futre computer or advanced aliens race computer, and show them that they are real lucky to have this luxury life, and that I know how to be reprogrammed at end of life to be another rich person instead of a pauper slave or trying for decades to become rich or win the lottery and charge them $30 million for this enlightened info.

Woa..okay. So, you wanna pull off an Elon Musk, fine.
What's it like? Can you see other members posting without paying the member fee? What can you do with/without a fee?
You can do everything but post without a fee. It's not exclusive to rich wankers, but to post there you have to bee one.

I may buy it in a few weeks and use it to chat up some fit Russian model, what do you think?
Sounds great @hasa1015 , keep me updated. And in case you need a photo of a handsome guy to get that know...nah kidding I'm ugly af.
But I might be interested in a not so fit gf of hers :)
We have a "snoob" group here too, it's caled Jr Vip Section and we pay $97
C'mon guys...stup judging others