Reviewazon - Is it true about the ranking drop?


Registered Member
Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
I'm going through many existing sites that I have previously abandoned and sprucing them up.

Some of them already make good money from Amazon but I have hardcoded all the links and so on within unique, handwritten content. I want to automate the products somewhat through using Reviewazon.

Sooo... I have read in some other forums that installing Reviewazon will make your rankings drop instantly (the Google bot detecting the plugin?).

Is this true or is it a load of baloney?

## If so are there any steps you can take to prevent this (such as blocking access to the plugins directory through robots.txt)
anyone want to comment on this one? I would like to know if this is true. I did a G search, all i found was a post on WF and a few on the official forum.

Here's the WF post:
If I had answered you before Halloween I would have told you how great I think Reviewazon is. BUT the day before Halloween [Oct. 30, 2010] I noticed that several of my microniche sites were plummeting in their SERP scores as well as free traffic.

Coincidence? Maybe, so I keep on working and building pages/posts and even more microniche sites. All of them use Reviewazon (which I bought in August).

Then another site begins the same nose dive in rankings. Then another. Today my newest 'baby' did the same thing. The one thing they all have in common is the Reviewazon plugin!

This guy could have lost his ranking for other reasons (bad content, crappy backlinks, etc) and just blames it on the plugin. He also noted he had analytics installed on all these sites AND it was the same account. If one site got punished google could have slapped all his sites on that alone.

Anyone actually using ReviewAZON want to comment?
I don't think Reviewazon has anything to do with ranking. I'm using all the methods to block Googlebot to see what plugins i'm using for example robot.txt for blocking /wp-content folder. Some of my sites with Reviewazon have not dropped but some have. Show us your site may be we can see what's the problem.
Interesting, I would like to know this as well as I'm about to purchase this plugin. Perhaps this happens if we put the amazon customer reviews on the page as well? Because my 10 micro niche sites have been banned by google, not sure why, all content is unique but I do copy and paste some amazon reviews at the bottom of each article.
All I know is that I installed Reviewazon a few days ago and within two days all of my rankings have tanked. Prior I was getting between 1500 and 4000 pageviews a day with most traffic coming from Google. Today has been 0 traffic from Google. I pulled the Reviewazon plugin this morning to see if my rankings return.
All I know is that I installed Reviewazon a few days ago and within two days all of my rankings have tanked. Prior I was getting between 1500 and 4000 pageviews a day with most traffic coming from Google. Today has been 0 traffic from Google. I pulled the Reviewazon plugin this morning to see if my rankings return.
I believe, this problem occurs if you copy paste stuff from amazon website and to yours as google bans all those sites which show a similar content.