Retail Web Design Still Good?


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2008
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I'm wondering if people still purchase retail web design.

I mean people like you, and me know where to go to get fairly very low priced wed design.

Is there still a big market for retail web design?

The reason I ask is because. I did a search for my local area and, yeah some wed design firms do come up, but not many.

Im thinking bout just setting up a site fpr web design services, and outsourcing the work and dominating my local market.

You guys think this is feasible?
I do believe that there still is a market. There are still a lot of small mom and pop type retail/service business that would be interested in getting on the web...especially if you live in a rural area.
I think its still good but when you dominate your local market dominate your next market. If you want a good deal on web design just shoot me a PM I have high quality design for cheap prices
I think its still good but when you dominate your local market dominate your next market. If you want a good deal on web design just shoot me a PM I have high quality design for cheap prices

yeah thats exactly what i was thinking on doing dominating the next market..
where can i get a good idea of actual design cost ?