(Resolved) Dispute: @Bondoq

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Junior Member
Jul 5, 2018
Reaction score
Proof that the transaction began on BHW:
SALES THREAD > https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/h...ram-glitch-a-method-is-for-beginners.1623962/
See payment.jpg attached

Proof the other party has been informed of this Dispute Resolution:
See refundagreement.jpg

Proof of Contact: (Submit screenshots showing that you have tried every reasonable form of contact such as emails, Skype, support tickets, etc)<be>
See refundagreement.jpg and BHW.jpg attached

Summary of Dispute: purchased a guide which should have covered a Instagram method involving a glitch he discovered and only he was using but received public and VERY basic information.
What I've received was a .pdf explaining how to create an Instagram business account, repost reels from scammy financial influencers to then reply to the users that commented on it with an affiliate link.
As this is nothing new, nor a glitch, nor something only he knows, I've asked for a full refund, which was denied.
I've asked if there was more that I wasn't been sent initially (although having already paid the full amount for the product) and apparently there was. We ended up mutually agreeing on an immediate 50% refund.
He then asked @BassTrackerBoats to lock the sales thread and ignored me so far. Haven't received a refund yet.

Evidence of the Issue:
See dispute.jpg attached
If a moderator asks, I'll send the .pdf I've received so he can actually see what I've been sent as it's fundamental for the contest of the dispute.

What you hope to gain from this Dispute Resolution: I want to get a full refund as what I've received is public and extremely basic info that has 0 value and is not what I purchased.
I initially agreed with @Bondoq to only get 50% and receive the additional "glitch" I wasn't sent, but the last feedbacks on his thread confirm that what he's selling isn't working anyway, even if you know this "glitch" which wasn't sent me.
As I only received public information so far, nothing secret that prevents him from refunding me in full has been disclosed from his end.

Further more he's now ignoring me, hasn't refund and has closed the sales thread, confirming that he was just trying to make the most of this and exit scam as soon as he was caught.


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Dispute Request Approved
Information For The Accused
@Bondoq - you have 24 hours to respond to this disputes thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours or we note that you're engaging in any other activities on the forum rather than dealing with this dispute, the decision will be made in favour of the dispute starter and you will be permanently banned from Black Hat World. In the event that you're permanently banned from the forum, you may send in a support ticket using our support channel only once you've refunded and/or provided what the plaintiff has requested.

If your responses to this dispute do not remain prompt, your account will be banned.

Information For The Accused & The Dispute Starter
Please remain professional as name calling, insults, griping, tu quoque, and ad hominem will not be tolerated. Should the dispute starter resort to this, the dispute will be forfeit; and if the accused resorts to this, the dispute will automatically be in the dispute starter's favour.

If the focus of this thread shifts from trying to resolve the dispute to simply wanting to see the other party banned, the dispute will automatically be ruled in favour of the other party.

The moderator mediating this dispute is simply trying to fair a resolution to this dispute. Any mod abuse or accusations (e.g., "you're biased", "you're protecting scammers", etc) directed toward the moderator will not be tolerated and may result in an infraction for mod abuse.

Information For Other Members
If anyone else has the same issue with the accused, you may respond so long as you supply evidence in the form of screenshots, videos, etc.

Please bear in mind Dispute Resolution section rule #4 before responding.

"If you are not directly related to the situation, or are not offering information directly related to the situation: do not post in the thread. Anyone caught doing so will receive an infraction and be reply banned from posting in the thread."
He scammed me too, blacklisted me in telegram, and doesn't answer anything. The material is completely empty, doesn't reveal any details, the seller couldn't answer questions.


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Dispute Summary

The accused has been permanently banned from Black Hat World for failing to resolve this dispute.

The dispute thread will remain live and is now open to commentary as rule 4 is no longer enforced in this thread.

Thread Open For Commentary
Glad to see that this guy was banned...his book is completely bullshit, just rehashed information from YouTube with vague explanations. Those profiles who gave good reviews for this shit are probably fakes or received something in exchange

Anyway, total waste of money
I got interested by this guy when he made his guide and was planning on purchasing his book, but it just seems like it was some bs for some quick money. I haven't been around the forum a lot but it's sad to see that one or two parasites slip through the cracks and provide zero value to the community. How they never got called out sooner is beyond me but whatever. Be more vigilant I guess, even on BHW.

Morale of the story: never trust AI pfp
This was by far the worst $200 I’ve ever spent. I’ve never come across such a shitty ,scammy guide before. Good riddance.

Someone selling making money method instead of him doing so = BS scam
Dispute Summary

The accused has been permanently banned from Black Hat World for failing to resolve this dispute.

The dispute thread will remain live and is now open to commentary as rule 4 is no longer enforced in this thread.

Thread Open For Commentary
hello sir, maybe we need to reopen the sales thread so that some other buyer also will also aware of this.
Anyone with a lot of social media experience could have suspected it was just a Reels repurposer - there are tonnes on Telegram.

But because of how artfully vague the thread was, people bought out of Fear of Missing Out.

And to charge $300 for it is Audacity.

I don't necessarily think all Making Money guides will always be scams, but when they are artfully vague about what it involves, then it is.
He had the perfect excuse to avoid any negative feedbacks, by claiming that his method takes time (3 months+) to work... which was enough time for him to be able to scam other people
So are there any real people here who have earned something with his ebook and advices from telegram?
so, what now?
I'm still doing he's method and I was going to dispute end of this month, if it's still not working.
I just noticed that he's got banned at BHW.
And I just messaged him at Telegram to find out what's going on... am I too late?
I paid with Paypal with friends and family, so there is no way of getting refund from him, correct?
Why would anyone be scared of this clown?
His support was good. even I got his book. I was under the impression I wasn't doing it right. But with this dispute I think I wasn't alone
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