Replacement of Myself= getting clients 3 Amazon Associates sales FAST --> Recommendations?


Power Member
Nov 19, 2012
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Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for freelancer that can get my clients 3 Amazon Associates affiliate program sales.

--> I provide you (freelancer) a niche site or specific product review pages
--> You get my clients 3 sales for getting approved in the Amazon Associates Program

That's it.

As you know Amazon Associates has a very tight and specific TOS in regards to account referrals and anything grey hat/not natural, so to avoid getting accounts banned, I'll need you to explain me once what you'd do, so we can move forward with a package for XY fee or have you working w/ the client directly each week. I need a reliable freelancer for this each week, whether you do it via Facebook Ads, niche forum advertising, among others. I need a sub-contractor on this area so clients get immediate/fast results and never ever tread water on their first days of applying to Amazon Associates. You get paid, my clients get 3 fast sales with your assistance/services, an entire win/win here.

p.s - Thanks for the indirect suggestion here Lucky. Its not the first time I've been asked for this type of assistance, time to automate this with someone @LuckyGirl9334 @MisterF