Renting out your signature on BHW is a lucrative field?


Elite Member
Oct 30, 2020
Reaction score
So, this is interesting.

A competitor actually messaged me asking if I would rent them my signature space.

Interesting proposal but when i said $1k a month, he declined me and thought I wasn't serious. lol
That's less than retail of me making 2 sales per week (not profit of course, but i usually have clients repeat)

And if they get sales, i mean.. $12k a month isn't a bad asking price on a forum where people have made $10-million + you're knocking off some competition's signature

And i think this was offered to try and off me as competition b/c I'm highlighting the fact it' an American service standard.

So this makes me wonder... How many here are renting out their signature space?

How many even knew this was a thing?

what's a signature rental worth?

I have no clue if this is allowed , as I'm not doing it but I'm wondering..............
Should someone who's extremely active on every post here, get paid more?
How do you gauge such a value?
is it legal to rent your signature?
it's worth whatever you decide it's worth, just like crypto & stocks, the people decide their worth

now obviously if a poster has more age & 750+ posts it's worth more than a newbie with 21 posts
i donot think ,everyone will be share their price here..
and yes its a lucrative business if you are active enough.

and 1k/month?? i think mods charge this much. not sure though
Interesting topic for sure, I have major experience in this field, obviously not on this forum but I was selling my signatures on various different forums, usually targeted per niches
No sig space worth $1k/month here
Some here actually are as worth is based on what someone is willing to pay, considering it costs over three-hundred dollars weekly for a stickied post in the SEO marketplace, a seller may be happy to save a few hundred dollars and spend a thousand per month on a signaure from someone such as BTB or another high-active MOD so their service can be seen across many forums and threads instead of just one place, of course though, no blue or non-MOD member should ever expect such a monthly rate, unless you are creating a hundred quality posts per day here.
So, this is interesting.

A competitor actually messaged me asking if I would rent them my signature space.

Interesting proposal but when i said $1k a month, he declined me and thought I wasn't serious. lol
That's less than retail of me making 2 sales per week (not profit of course, but i usually have clients repeat)

And if they get sales, i mean.. $12k a month isn't a bad asking price on a forum where people have made $10-million + you're knocking off some competition's signature

And i think this was offered to try and off me as competition b/c I'm highlighting the fact it' an American service standard.

So this makes me wonder... How many here are renting out their signature space?

How many even knew this was a thing?

what's a signature rental worth?

I have no clue if this is allowed , as I'm not doing it but I'm wondering..............
Should someone who's extremely active on every post here, get paid more?
How do you gauge such a value?
sorry, but 1k for a signature is ludicrous. its just so, so far from what's the perception of market value. not to mention you aren't a mod or a lifelong user who has posted dozens of quality guides/ giveaways / has many pinned posts. the common perception seems to be around 30-40 bucks per month, which is quite a bit if you consider the cost of JR VIP, but it doesn't even matter. what matters is that, if you have a service, it will always be more lucrative to promote yourself. if you don't, you rent, because why not use that space?
what's a signature rental worth?
About a tree fiddy.

It depends on demand and supply. I have gotten from a jr vip sub (hey don't report me for this.. it was my first time...) to $50 for a single line. Really depends on your activity and popularity. If I had to take your space, I would not give you more than $20 for the whole space, but then again... I am not looking to get signatures.
I wouldn't waste my time for $30 a month even talking to you about such a thing.

My time's worth more to be honest. Frankly honest.

You'd have to be an idiot to sell that low, if you have a service to offer or just a lazy bum, who's not contributing to the forum. Let that be motivation to you all.

My signature can easily rake it $5k-$10k in sales from this forum in a month with a few tweaks to the services I'm offering. All these posts talking about no more than $30-$40 is a joke to me. Must be people who are paying for a lot of signatures using multiple accounts to discourage the idea of getting your true value.

Contribute Value, get back value.
No sig space worth $1k/month here, you are better off buying ads with that money.

I've been offered more than that for my signature back when I was renting it out.
Let me reverse this.

Who's doing a lot of posts and willing to take $29.99 per month?
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Let me reverse this.

Who's doing a lot of posts and willing to take $29.99 per month?

Depends on the posts.

Spamming Introductions or BSTs asking for samples are often how people quickly increase their post count.

When you have a high post count and an even higher reaction score, then people know you contribute quality as well as quantity.

I still have a wait list for my signature....
Well you need to be 18 years old. You need to have some self respect. You promise to wear only trusted sale partner.
And you can pay $97 a year for a signature too and you can pay few thousand. It totally depends on the value you add, if you feel you’re worth 1k then don’t settle below it, keep it empty or promote a affliate till you get a matching offer

also just saw your bst bad idea to rent your sig If you make 15 sales you earn more from sig, plus if you make 15+ month it’ll be a steal to sell it just my opinion