Remove Signature space and profile website URL in Introduction category.

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Elite Member
Executive VIP
Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
My suggestion is remove the Signature space and profile website URL in Introduction category.

Since some members see this as spam when all you want to do is to let new members feel really welcome from a reply there, sure some newbie replys might be seen as Post Inflation, maybe a max number of posts per day for members bellow a certain number of posts can sort that thing out. But old members posts reply there for making new members feeling welcome.

Any more ideas how this could be handled?
4-5 Intro posts per day could be classed as normal, anything above that is PCI in my humble opinion.

Removing signatures/banners in this section though would stop certain members from posting daily maybe?
People will still make posts to inflate their numbers regardless of if they think the signature is being seen in those posts. You have to remember a lot of people sell their sig space so I doubt they give a shit about it after getting paid. You will still have people posting every day to build up their numbers. It might deter a few people and its not a bad idea but I think its hassle for not much gain.
not my monkey not my circus
Im only replying to this thread as i was asked to.

looking at this simple and fair. heres how you deflate the intro spam
sig adds , post boosting. in a fair manner.

1 - you could turn off post count in the intro section , but then new
members would have no starting point. and they need to start some where

2 - disable sigs to stop post boosting for sig adds, still wont work

3 - I agree with miserF 5 post daily max intro section posts, that kills people spamming
20-30-40 repeat posts daily, and you wont have to turn sigs off ......

problem solved............
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problem solved............

So the problem should be solved by just welcoming 5 members a day, fck the rest, they need no warm welcoming? Thats an easy way out, ignore some, favor some.
So the problem should be solved by just welcoming 5 members a day, fck the rest, they need no warm welcoming? Thats an easy way out, ignore some, favor some.

I think the solution would be to not count any posts made in the introduction section towards the messages count. Problem solved.
So the problem should be solved by just welcoming 5 members a day, fck the rest, they need no warm welcoming? Thats an easy way out, ignore some, favor some.

the answer also isnt posting the same pic 42 times in 3 days, but an average of 5/10x a day
over and over and over..... i can get behind 2/3/4/5x in 1 day. but 19x then 23x in 3 days
is over kill bro.

I think the solution would be to not count any posts made in the introduction section towards the messages count. Problem solved.

posts wont be turned off there william or newbies will struggle to get to 15 posts
the answer also isnt posting a pic 42 times in 3 days, but an average of 5/10x a day
over and over and over..... i can get behind 2/3/4/5x in 1 day. but 19x then 23x in 3 days
is over kill bro.
So a warm welcome either a image with welcome or a warm text welcome to most members is bad then, new members don´t need to feel the warm positive attitude in the forum .. Hmm ..
So a warm welcome either a image with welcome or a warm text welcome to most members is bad then, new members don´t need to feel the warm positive attitude in the forum .. Hmm ..
read what i said....posting a welcome to members is fine
in a picture or text. but 10/20/23+ times a day, everyday spamming the same
txt or image ummmmmm thats tacky and over kill.

im off to play some guildwars 2, see you all monday.
All right, I'm going to stop all of this here. I know this is really about @proxygo telling @RoiBox not to post so much in the introductions section

@proxygo, I know you were told by some mods way back when that you shouldn't post too often in that section. However, the mods around that time were trying to crack down on the post count inflation issue at the time. The problem with their approach back then is that it simply didn't work; there was no neat number that drew the line between spam and just posting on the forum. Additionally, in the last several years, we've made efforts to avoid enforcing unwritten rules.

On to the actual rule around this, you'll note that it says the following: 3.5 Engaging in post count inflation by posting excessive amounts of short replies for the sole purpose of inflating your post count. This includes the infamous “thanks for the share.” (If you’d like to say “thanks” to someone for their effort/contribution, make use of the Like button).

That bit I underlined is what the rule is about. If they're posting a bunch of short replies, that's not against the rules unless they're trying to inflate their post count. In other words:
  1. Getting to 15 posts to message members.
  2. Getting to 100 posts to become a Jr. VIP.
  3. Posting for the sake of getting to a next usergroup level (you know, supreme member or elite member).
  4. Posting for the sake of getting on the leaderboards.
Honestly, the first two reasons are the main issues we look out for as this constitutes the majority of the troublemakers that engage in post count inflation.

Now @RoiBox, I need you to understand that from @proxygo's perspective, he was told off by moderators at one point for posting too much in the introductions section. He shouldn't go around enforcing this as only moderators here can enforce the rules, but you should know where he's coming from with this.

There is actually a newbie guide thread that says, "Constantly posting short "welcome" messages in the Introductions section" constitutes as spam, but as previously this is meant to be a catch-all for rule 3.5. To answer this properly, I'll discuss this with the rest of the staff on Monday and we can see what we can implement in the introductions section.
I think the solution would be to not count any posts made in the introduction section towards the messages count. Problem solved.
I don't know if you remember or if it was slightly before you joined, but this was done at one point. If I recall correctly, it just resulted in people inflating their post count in every other section. However, I'm not sure if that's the reason the decision was reversed. What I do know is that that section is meant for new members to get their first post or two and be welcomed by the community.

Question Answered, Thread Closed
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