Re: My Clientele

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Supreme Member
Oct 2, 2022
Reaction score
Indians/Pakistani/Bangladeshi: Annoyingly friendly, smart overall believing money is the root of all good

Far East/Koreans: Anxious but with strong work ethic trying to make money to impress a future prune wife

Canadians: they do not tell you what they really up to unlike Jordan Peterson

British: More to the point

Germans/Austrians: They never contact me
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Balcans: Criminals turned internet marketers pushing crypto offers as you would expect
Koreans. Respectful and with an eagerness to learn.
I used to also target clients by country because I had similar assumptions.
At the end, I started targeting clients based on the actual things I prefer to work with rather than purely geo. Worked out pretty well..
Koreans. Respectful and with an eagerness to learn.
Yeah man, Koreans are just more ethical and respectful people. I also love to work with them.
Balcans: Criminals turned internet marketers pushing crypto offers as you would expect
What did I just read?
Annoyingly friendly, smart overall believing money is the root of all good
As an Indian, I totally disagree with this.
impress a future prune wife
Astute observation I must say OP. Very astute.
they do not tell you what they really up to unlike Jordan Peterson
Canadians and Australians have been the best people I have ever worked with. This make 0 sense to me at least.
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