Ranking Links! Top Quality Blog Posts, Unique Content & Permanent Posts-Upto Pr4 $1.5/Post

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OP Approved. Did what was offered very well and very quickly. I can't know the effect on the ranks or anything as of yet, but is defiantly a good service.
Good luck with sales OP , seems pretty cheap when compared to most offers on BHW. If you got any review copies feel free to hand me one , regardless good luck!
Guys. Awesome entering marketplace. Dirty cheap price for this service. Congrats for your sales.

Do you use unique or spun related content?
OP Approved. Did what was offered very well and very quickly. I can't know the effect on the ranks or anything as of yet, but is defiantly a good service.

ThankYou for approving my Thread,


Good luck with sales OP , seems pretty cheap when compared to most offers on BHW. If you got any review copies feel free to hand me one , regardless good luck!

No Review Copies Mate:)

Guys. Awesome entering marketplace. Dirty cheap price for this service. Congrats for your sales.

Do you use unique or spun related content?

@tojamie Seems like your spam post may you dropped your advertisement links in every blog posts service
I already wrote in sales copy content will be unique and copyscape passed

it seems unique content. he wrote copyscape passed content.

good luck with your sales op! :)

Thanks Mate:) Obvisouly i will use unique & copyscape passed content
I just subscribed for the 10 posts package (Recurring Payment ID #2AAxxxxxxxxxxx932).
So it costs 30 USD for 14 first days, then it gets deleted if no payment for next month is made - or just moved to inner pages of the website? And those 14 days - does it count from completion of the order or from the time it is ordered?
Thanks for answers
That's sure a good deal for this price. Bookmarking!

Just Subscribed order for the 20 posts. Please Confirm Txn id : ****560T

Thank You for Placing order

So it costs 30 USD for 14 first days, then it gets deleted if no payment for next month is made - or just moved to inner pages of the website? And those 14 days - does it count from completion of the order or from the time it is ordered?
Thanks for answers

It gets deleted upon non payment and counts from the time of the order is placed
ID #8************434J

I've just made an order, please confirm :-)
Look Like cheap & good service Subscribed for 10 blog posts ! Transaction ID: 2V164494XB706059W
Recurring Payment Sent (ID***********2001T) for 10 posts
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