Ranking Dropped, can somebody help me?


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
I have a client that has a site and they were in position 1 for their main keyword, I can't figure out what has happened for them to have now disappeared completely off the results. Can someone please help me with this, I don't understand what has happened and any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Have you done keyword diversity? What kind of backlinks have you built? has the site been neg-SEOd?

They haven't had me do any SEO work for them, they simply hired me to figure out what has happened to their rankings and don't have much time to come up with the reason for it but haven't ever ran into an issue quite like this one before.
Hi, same thing happened to one of my sites today. From #2 position to nowhere in Serp.I hope this is temporally.
Try getting some social signals on his website. I am sure those will help his site a lot.
Well you got to look at link variety // anchor text and what social stuff they are doing .... Next focus on what content they have.

If you can get past those then look for negative Seo // age of site and link velocity.

The answer has to be there somewhere.
Shoot me a skype and let me fix it for you. I can figure it out within a few minutes.