Quitted my high ticket Software Developer Job, no clue how to market myself ‍♂️


Registered Member
Jul 1, 2017
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I've recently quitted my industry position with the intent of opening a business, as a way to start and learn I wanted to open a simple business with no specific niche, offering "ill do anything for a dollar" for business owners, any feature, any automation, any bug fix.

I'll be honest, although I'm skilled in what I do, I have no idea how to reach client in a scalable way or how to market a service.

So I'm coming to you, the marketing geniuses of BHW, any advice and suggestion are appreciated
Hey, didn't you have this same problem five years back? https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/h...b-developing-experience-to-earn-some.1138790/

Did you follow any of the advice doled out there?
Valid question bro, sadly I didn't, my younger self searched for a side hustle while he was avoiding real work. I ended up not working for a while, than giving private programming lessons and then just joining a company for a few years.

Now my current self is different, or at least I hope to believe, I quitted with a full intent of creating a challenging business and I've been working on it everyday.

BTW, I read the old post before posting this new one, and I cringed a little.