Questions about internetbs, godaddy and choosing brandable d0ma1n name for affiliate mark


Registered Member
Feb 5, 2015
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Hi all,
I have a few questions as I am a beginner.
1. Is choosing a brandable d00ma1n name for aff marketing a good idea? That is, a generic top d00ma1n, then several subdoma1s for the different niches I want to promote. Such as top d00ma1n: the-best-stuff-for
It would allow me to save money on d00ma1n name registerin and try out different niches risk-free.

2. Is g0daddy d00ma1n name after the first year so expensive? Internetbs is + expensive the first year but then less expensive. Should I go with internetbs even if I'm not sure I want to keep the d00ma1n for a long time?
Thank you

EDIT: sorry for the coding of words, but it wouldn't let me post otherwise.
If your building an authority site I would say go with a generic brand domain name if you were building niche sites I would say go with exact match domain name. Buy wherever you get the best deal. Some say get 2-5 years (usually through their affiliate link) others will say 1 year now if that's all you can afford. Put on auto renew so as not to lose it if you want to keep it going.
Well I want to build several MNS but I don't have the money for several d00ma1ns.

What should I do?

Like I said I'll use original subd00ma1ns. Is that enough?

Also, if I choose one reg1star, can I move reg1star easily and for free later?
InternetBS is great, but you can start with GoDaddy and transfer them for next years. That's what I did.
Okay, thank you very much!
Do you guys have any advice regarding d00ma1n name picking? Should I just choose something standard and brandable? Is it important that the d0ma1n remains short?
Yea if you are going to build multiple MNS under sub domains you will need a generic domain. But it still has to make sense. I wouldn't recommend it. You will need some investment to make your business a success. So if you can't afford domains you can't afford seo tools and services or other things that come up. Put aside a little each month. Buy 1 domain to start. And add a new domain each time you have a spare $10. It's not much.
I will always buy domains with godaddy. They are cheap and give great discounts.And you can later transfer it to internetbs, if you want.And for MNS, I built many MNS with my domains lately,they were automated, using Wordpress multisite.You may want to try that too.