Question regarding changing the homepage in WP


Regular Member
May 21, 2009
Reaction score
I was wondering if someone could help me,

i would like to have my homepage of my WP site only have a search bar in the middle only (which allows people to type in keywords, and it will display relevant posts and pages from my own blog) with a menubar at the top of the page. (so similar to googles desig), but if people want to view posts and pages etc they can do so at the top or even at the side by clicking on the posts or category bar etc, im not fussy.

How do I go about this, is there a plugin or a way to do it?

thanks/rep will be given for helping.
Not really what I'm after but thanks anyway, is there a plugin that just displays a search bar at the home page that allows people to type in keywords that just displays results from my own posts/pages? There must be something....

There is a default search that comes with every Wordpress installation. You can put it on any page by going to appearance and then widgets. Its called search.

As far as positioning it where you want it, you would just have to modify the code of your template. If you can find the code for that widget you could place it in your header.php file somewhere so that it would show up at the top of the page or before the most recent post.

Here is a thread on re-positioning the search box. It may not have everything you need but it may get you pointed in the right direction.

