Question: ideas monitize local businesses list


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2009
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Hello guys,

Currently I am selling local domain names to local businesses. Got a guy that collects all the data like businessname, business website and so forth.
Then I send out email and hope for a sale or a call (mostly selling 1 out of 10 domains instantly). But then I was thinking, seeing like 5k local business emails in various niches in my mailchimp account, how can I monitize them more with different things.

I was thinking of selling (affiliate) coffee offers or something like that.
That's the only thing I can think of that is universal to all the businesses.

Also thought of website redesign, but most of the businesses already have a very professional website.

Need to some ideas to further brainstorm.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Happy New Year!!!! :D
Also thought of website redesign, but most of the businesses already have a very professional website.

Need to some ideas to further brainstorm.

Which means some businesses doesn't have it. Target them and email them. It seems like you're too lazy to find something that actually require more work than sending a simple mailchimp email.

You could also sell some SEO plans.

I can just think of endless possibilities with such a list. You should be doing good if you're not too lazy honestly.
Hello TayaX,

I do know it requires more work but I don't have that much time, otherwhies I'd chose to do the gathering of prospects myself.
I did give him the tasks to add a tag to websites that are crappy so I can filter them out and make a special list of crappy websites.

Im not lazy. Im just looking for some good ideas in which I can put my energy.