Question about Xrumer and Bandwidth?


Registered Member
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Im getting a seperate internet connection
for xrumer and running it on a seperate pc
which is a p4 dual core and 2 gig of ram ,
and I was just wondering
how much bandwidth would be optimal.
I have two choices a
1 - 5mb download speed and 1 mb upload speed
2 - 10mb download speed and 1 mb upload speed

Would i see I big improvemnet if I went with
number 2 or would it not be that big of a diffrence
because the upload speed is the same?

With 5 MB bandwith that not bad...
i have 8 mb bandwith & i can run more than 400 thread a minute
but that depend of the setting
i mean register + decode captcha & then activate & then post take more time than to post only (blog & guestbook) etc.....
so that depend of your target......

i sugest u to take one pc for hrefer & then your dualcore for post

but xrumer take more than week to understand the subtility.....

soo good luck :)
I Agree, scriptkiddies, 5MB 'ought to be enough' :).

At least for a dual-core processor. But it depends also on the task you perform.

But soon you might ask yourself, if it is risky to mass spam - you will possibly use vpn or elite proxies. If so: for both cases holds, that the offerors won't easily give you huge bandwidth. When using elite proxies, also have in mind, that you have a DNS leaking or say at least having many DNS requests which your provider does not like. My provider kicked my out several times and I had to restart my dsl router.

Hope you can profit of scriptkiddies and my experience, just PM me if you have any questions.
Thanks a lot I appreciate the advice from both of you and sciptkiddies. A question about cpu load If you max it will you have more unsuccessful posts? Right now I'm running about 250 thread and the cpu usage fluctuate from 0 to 50%. Lots of memory left though.
well, if you have say 1000 threads running, this would mean that your cpu cannot serve all threads... you will get more and more connection timeouts and therefore unsucessful posts

therefore: try to setup a number of threads where the cpu usage is a little less than 100%