[QUES]Affiliate Webcam sites


Sep 19, 2008
Reaction score
What are the best or decent webcam affiliates that pay you to bring people to them to sign up?? like i give you the link and you sign up type of ordeal.. i use to know a few but for some reason i can seem to find them anymore... i remember a post here a little while back i think it was from Harro or someone..who posted a eBook on eWhoring and had an adult affiliate site in there for sign ups..

so pretty much im looking for an adult affiliate that gives high payouts like i guess 30 or 35 or w.e. that you refer to them with a Creditcard...

any help would be greatly appreciated...ill make sure to hit the thanks button to anyone who posts an affiliate or two for me ;)

thanks guys
hey i am currently using w*ww.wegcash.org for the past 2 months and made like $7882.00 + bonuses promoting on social networking sites. And you get bonus when you make more or match the previous month earnings. Example last month you make $3000.00, the next month you make $3000.00 or more you get 2% then the next month you get 4%, then next month 6% bonus and so on. Every body makes cash on that site, i basically do nothing and i get a check every week.

remove the *
I am doing good with hxxp://www.im**live.c0m and hxxp://www.web*cams.c0m affiliates. Even payout is good