Prosper202 and Findology... Anyone?


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I am starting out with BH CPA methods, and intend on using prosper202 for blanking the referral.

I've heard some people here use them with no prob (plus the benefit of appearing as if you are only using a tracking tool to the CPA networks), while a few others say that they sometimes leak the referral.

What I'm really concerned about, is the CPA networks not liking hiding the referral in general, and contacting us regarding it. Don't they really hate it, and give you a hard time when you do it? Would like some feedback from you guys regarding this, and how you get around it.

I also want to use Findology traffic, and using Prosper202 for it. Then mixing up fake or paid signups with that traffic. This is my idea in general, and I know that theory can differ alot from practical... that is why I'm looking for inputs.
you can get money

but you should post a lot of
i didn't use prosper202 up to now but i want to take a deeper look into it (for my last statistics i made a little tool myself based on the adwords editor csv-export and the subid-report of the affiliate networks i'm using in php/mysql)

i don't blank my referer. i always route my traffic trough a site that looks like it is the traffic source itself (nice design, affiliate links in it, few lines of php)

so when the merchant takes a look at his reports and sees my referer/site he'll normally think it's the traffic source... i also think the merchant will be more pleased seeing a real site behind the traffic and gives the commissions more likely
i don't blank my referer. i always route my traffic trough a site that looks like it is the traffic source itself (nice design, affiliate links in it, few lines of php)

This seems to be the best way to go. Do your few lines of php force the traffic to click on the offer's link?
i create a banner on the site and a file like "outgoing.php". there's the meta-redirect in it.
the bannerklick also goes to the outgoing.php.

inside the outgoing.php there's also the banner (inside body). i delay the redirect for like 1-2 secs so the banner is loaded and will also increase the view-count. the merchant will think i use the outgoing for my own statistics or hide the link from google or whatsoever.

so you have some real traffic mixed with traffic i redirect trough the outgoing.php

i didn't have any problems up to now so it seems to be working... and almost all my commissions are paid to me.

if someone has a tip how to do it better let me know
Ok, I guess you lost me in some parts here.

What I gather is that you basically do a redirect to your offer's page. But what if the merchants visit your website and found out?

Won't they too get redirected, or am I missing something?
if the merchant checks my website he'll see a completely clean site and his banner/link/product whatsoever. when he clicks one of the links he gets redirected to his shop via redirect.php.

when i buy traffic on adwords i send the traffic straight to the redirect.php - so the referer "google" gets replaced with my sitename.

i also use a parameter on the redirect.php, like redirect.php?adid=123, so when you just call the "redirect.php" without a parameter you'll be redirected back to my site - if you call the redirect.php with a special parameter you'll get to the merchants site (and the cookie will be set)

so the chance of getting caught sould be very low
Ok, I understand now. Sounds fool-proof...

Will this work for Findology traffic too? if we target the redirect.php file instead of the site's url, that is.

Is your redirect.php tied somehow to a certain banner link on your site that goes to the offer, or all the links on your site as you seem to hint at? Also, why do you want to hide adwords traffic?

Can you share the code for your redirect file?
hi mystery - i sent you a pm.

i hide my adwords traffic cause i don't want the merchant to see my keywords and where i get my traffic from - he can build up his own campaign with it... so i really don't want my expensive testingresults go to the merchant for free...

working with findology-traffic: no idea... i think you'll have to test it...

i route all the outgoing links via my redirect.php - so when the merchant takes a look at my site he sees all links going to redirect.php - so he thinks it's normal and i use it eg for tracking...

my code (i also have different variations of it - eg. with delay or bannerview). you need to add the parameter "link" (redirect.php?link=1)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function MM_goToURL() { 
  var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
  for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");

<?php if (!isset($_GET['link'])) { ?>
<body onload="MM_goToURL('parent','http://BACK_TO_YOUR_SITE');return document.MM_returnValue">
<? } ?>

<?php if ($_GET['link'] == 1) { ?>
<body onload="MM_goToURL('parent','http://AFFILIATE_LINK_1');return document.MM_returnValue">
<? } ?>

<?php if ($_GET['link'] == 2) { ?>
<body onload="MM_goToURL('parent','http://AFFILIATE_LINK_2');return document.MM_returnValue">
<? } ?>

<?php if ($_GET['link'] == 2) { ?>
<body onload="MM_goToURL('parent','http://FAKE_LINK_TO_EXTERNAL_SITE');return document.MM_returnValue">
<? } ?>


there's another thread around about meta-refresh. maybe you take a look at it:

with a double meta refresh the referer gets blanked -with a single meta refresh you'll see the referer depending on the browser (that's what i do, so the merchant hopefully sees my page...)