I won't say that vaccines are "evil", but I do believe that to a very small % of people, these vaccines can have negative side effects.

I haven't had a vaccine shot yet but a few years ago I got the flu shot (I rarely do), and shortly after that flu shot, I developed lumps in
my eyes. At first I thought it was just an eye infection and the swelling would go down on it's own but the lump stayed there for weeks and months (even after
getting antibiotics and eye gels/creams) from the doctor....
and later on I found out it was something called "chalazions and styes". I've never had them in my entire life but after I took a flu shot, I suddenly
started to get styes and chalazions almost every week or two for the next few months. I was able to get rid of most of them but a couple large
ones have forever remained in my upper eyelids so now I have what looks to be a very small but noticeable lump in both my eyelids.

Vaccines are highly safe but there's no doubt it "can" cause other issues to some people, a very small % but it's real.
How are you even 'Jr. Executive VIP'?
I'm glad this thread is in jest and a laugh and not "AAAARRRGHHH U CANT DO DIS VIRUS IS GOVERNMENT WEAPONSSZ"

Have fun, sirs and ma'ams.

Remember the rules, play nice ;)
@bartosimpsonio so happy to see you are a Jr. VIP Exec
You are not quite a guy that everyone likes, but you did make a lot of fun for me (and I assume lots of others) over the years.

I am not vaccinated, but I love you man.
You are right. The whole fucking system is corrupt. The police, the government, the whole fucking planet basically... Then again, if one eats meat one cannot expect anything different. so check your own moral compasses first before you jab others. thanks