Pretty Strong Infographic on How to Be Productive

"Do a bad first draft, you can't edit a blank page." - I like that a lot. I like the whole infographic, actually. Thanks BTB, another great share.
I saw this not too long ago on an imageboard I frequent, some of the stuff makes sense and could be deemed quite useful (but there's parts that are ridiculous).

Things like "start before you're ready" and "better done than perfect" are examples.

- A
There's some good stuff in there, but there are two I disagree with:

Limit email replies to 1 per minute - that has got to be a typo?


Assume you are right when in doubt. That's a guaranteed way to make sure everything else you do is pointless and therefore a completely unproductive waste of time (if it turns out you weren't right)

When in doubt, find out the answer.
Very good. Definitely a few things in there I'm going to use.
There's some good stuff in there, but there are two I disagree with:

Limit email replies to 1 per minute - that has got to be a typo?


Assume you are right when in doubt. That's a guaranteed way to make sure everything else you do is pointless and therefore a completely unproductive waste of time (if it turns out you weren't right)

When in doubt, find out the answer.

For sure it is not perfect but there is some real value in there... the one minute thing would never work in my industry for 90% of the emails I send to clients and "Assume you are right" would get me divorced in a NY minute.
"Assuming you're right" is actually a really good one that I've learnt over the years - but maybe it doesn't work in all situations.
There are a lot of gems within this infographic. Sure, the email one may be unrealistic to some, but it does make sense when you are bombarded with the same questions in some industries. For instance, if someone asks about pricing or discounts, you can make a standard reply. Obviously some other email replies wouldn't work in that case, but redundant questions or concerns would.

I get stuck on the "better done than perfect" portion. I can understand that if you have been trying to open your website for 4 months and keep pushing back release dates, but it definitely wouldn't fit with every task.

Great share!