Press release service provider recommendations under $36 per PR


Power Member
Nov 23, 2019
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Hi I am looking for a PRS provider who can provide distribution to 250+ news sites inclusive of Google News, ABC, NBC, FOX, Digital Journal and the rest. It would be an advantage if your service also provides free press release writing along with distribution at the same price. Looking for the cheapest provider with good track record. Would be good if you have a website with automatic order placement features as well. Looking to pay using PP or Debit Card.

Best Regards,
Hi I am looking for a PRS provider who can provide distribution to 250+ news sites inclusive of Google News, ABC, NBC, FOX, Digital Journal and the rest. It would be an advantage if your service also provides free press release writing along with distribution at the same price. Looking for the cheapest provider with good track record. Would be good if you have a website with automatic order placement features as well. Looking to pay using PP or Debit Card.

Best Regards,
Also looking for this. Were you successful in finding any?