pr storm is dead?????


Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score
i saw many people said pr storm is dead...why?coz of its old urls?

so,if i update the old urls list,does it still work well?plz tell me what you konw about using pr storm.

prstorm is alive. LEARN 2 Black hat. Use a URL harvester to harvest ur URLS
prstorm is alive. LEARN 2 Black hat. Use a URL harvester to harvest ur URLS

but where can i get a free URL harvester,are there any free softwears to harvest urls?

thank you.:o
i agree! still working fine for me.. i tried to run it at 4% with 2 hits with my landing page, the following day i got 10 unique visitors. :)
i agree! still working fine for me.. i tried to run it at 4% with 2 hits with my landing page, the following day i got 10 unique visitors. :)

thank you for the information

4%?but how many urls total?:)
Everything out there works... you have to know how... it is not as easy as it was 3 years back..
Yes Pr Storm does work! I use it daily...with a new list of about 500+ URLS

Brings about 5-6 unique hits.

Now If i had the time to generate a list of 108k URL's...

id have allot...of unique hits.

Do you guys use proxy's? with yours?
Where can i get this PRstorm??? I did a search. Nothing... Maybe i'm not looking hard enough
lol well obviously you didn't look hard enough. Just type in PR Storm into the search bar on this site, and it should be on one of the first pages..
I have searched high and low for a guide on how to use it. I mean, I can obviously mess around with it, but I would really like to know what is what. Any tips?
Here is some info I founnd here:

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Extract the files in the zip to any folder on your computer. There's nothing more to it, we hate installations and their messy remains as much as you do.

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Check out the various tabs of PR Storm and customize the lists to your liking. The referrer list particularly is of interest, because sending your URL(s) as referrers to other sites is the crux of the referrer marketing concept. It can contain as many or as few URLs as you would like - with a minimum of 1, of course. PR Storm automatically uses every available referrer URL on every URL list entry so as to get the most benefit out of using PR Storm.

The URL list also is important, because these are the URLs that your site(s) will be marketed to. By default this list contains a good chunk of generic internet URLs which we have supplied as a starter URL list, but it is easy to get more URLs by buying exclusive (and specific) lists from, by manually adding URLs into urls.txt, or by using the automatic URL harvester feature which you can find under the URL Harvester tab. The URL harvester is easy to use, just enter the URL of a document or file containing a lot of URLs into the input box and then click the "Harvest URLs" button. Harvested URLs can equally easily be dismissed or imported (individually or collectively) into the main URL list so that PR Storm can use them. PR Storm will automatically save any such list changes you make upon exiting the program.

If you for one reason or another want to use proxies to mask your connections, simply go to the Proxies tab and insert one or more proxies into its list. Then check the "Use Proxies" checkbox under the Settings tab before starting PR Storm. Remember that this is a supportive feature added for advanced users, and you will probably not have much benefit running PR Storm on the heavily loaded or offline proxies found on the various public proxy sites.

The User-Agent tab is a list of of user-agents which PR Storm can use to make its request headers look more like random surfers than an internet bot, but you can also use this feature as an added edge to your marketing by using your URL(s) as User-Agents. By default this list is well stocked with real User-Agents taken from real statistics, so you don't need to to anything here if you don't want to.

Finally, people with a higher than average knowledge of how network connections work will be able to make good use of the Settings tab, where you can tweak such PR Storm parameters as the number of consecutive threads to run, socket time-outs, and more.

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When referrer marketing on a grander scale, it may (depending on your host and/or ISP) be important to make the resulting incoming webmaster traffic (from webmaster statistics, etc) believe that you actually have had or in fact do have a link to their sites. Referrer marketing on massive scales without any such considerations may result in complaints to your ISP from webmasters who then realize the nature of the traffic you sent them.

In that regard, a good trick is to place a backlink simulator PHP script such as the one below on the page(s) you referrer market. What this script does is dynamically making and showing a text link that links to whichever domain the current visitor entered your site from. The practical consequence to using this trick is of course that visiting webmasters will be more likely to thank you and perhaps give you a permanent link somewhere, rather than thinking that you really sent them fake referrer traffic.
you look high and low but couldnt find the video I made on this site? step by step? plus other guides? Is all here
Working fine for me, just when you can't get it work somebody think it not working for everyone and call it dead
I just keep scraping for new URLs with a Harvester that I bought, and I keep hitting new sites - but yeah - I still use it :)
Yes Pr Storm does work! I use it daily...with a new list of about 500+ URLS

Brings about 5-6 unique hits.

Now If i had the time to generate a list of 108k URL's...

id have allot...of unique hits.

Do you guys use proxy's? with yours?

Uh! You did not have understand how pr storm works...

PRStorm is for getting backlinks, not for angry webmaster traffic.

500 Urls is certainly nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Likewise as (5-6)*108k/500 angry webmaster traffic.
How do you check the backlinks from PR Storm vs the links that may already be there