Posting images on reddit from sites like 9gag?


Elite Member
Jr. Executive VIP
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Reposts doesn't matter, specially when You are posting from Friendly sites :) so chill man
Reposts doesn't matter, specially when You are posting from Friendly sites :) so chill man
Also, can you tell me about subreddits that do not have karma requirements to make a post. I mean if someone has to build karma on an account from start, which subreddits to start posting at ?
Also, can you tell me about subreddits that do not have karma requirements to make a post. I mean if someone has to build karma on an account from start, which subreddits to start posting at ?

Go for adult niche or any unusual niche subreddits, post hot girls pic or any pics related to the niche of the subrredit and you'll build karma fast. I used to use a graffiti one, post any pic of any abandoned street with some grafiti art on the wall and get lots of karma.
Most images on 9gag were already on Reddit before they end up on 9gag.
Also, can you tell me about subreddits that do not have karma requirements to make a post. I mean if someone has to build karma on an account from start, which subreddits to start posting at ?

Just to name a few if you wanna karma farm. You can make shit up and people in that sub will gobble it up and send you to the front page. A friend of mine tested this with a made up post on r/thathappened and he got 19k upvotes on it. It was the first post on a brand new account.

Also, fan subreddits for Marvel and DC work well. If you want to hit the jackpot, keep a close watch on upcoming trailers for new MCU and DCEU movies and post them on reddit as soon as they're uploaded on the official YouTube channel. That's instant and guaranteed 30-50k upvotes if you're the first one. If you're not the first then your post will be removed from the subs.

Just to name a few if you wanna karma farm. You can make shit up and people in that sub will gobble it up and send you to the front page. A friend of mine tested this with a made up post on r/thathappened and he got 19k upvotes on it. It was the first post on a brand new account.

Also, fan subreddits for Marvel and DC work well. If you want to hit the jackpot, keep a close watch on upcoming trailers for new MCU and DCEU movies and post them on reddit as soon as they're uploaded on the official YouTube channel. That's instant and guaranteed 30-50k upvotes if you're the first one. If you're not the first then your post will be removed from the subs.
I made a post in r/mademesmile and when I click the post it does not load up when I am logged in. The account is not shadow banned when I check profile after logging out. Did reddit remove the post ?
I made a post in r/mademesmile and when I click the post it does not load up when I am logged in. The account is not shadow banned when I check profile after logging out. Did reddit remove the post ?
You'll see a message from a mod or automod when a post gets removed.
You'll see a message from a mod or automod when a post gets removed.
I did not got any message for last post. I made another post in funny and this time when I click the post it shows error
"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/funny.
Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."

The account has 1 post karma and is 1 year old. Is it removed because I have less karma ?
Some reposts made sooner than x months, can be removed automatically if the subreddit is set this way.
But usually you should get a message that your post was removed.

Otherwise your post might go through moderation before showing on the sub.
I did not got any message for last post. I made another post in funny and this time when I click the post it shows error
"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/funny.
Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."

The account has 1 post karma and is 1 year old. Is it removed because I have less karma ?

If the subreddit doesn't have any specific karma requirements then the reason for removal of the post can be low quality content as well. Low quality content doesn't actually mean the content is of low quality, but it might be something that the Mods of that subreddit think is either a repost or something which they didn't find funny (in your subreddit case). I've seen quality posts being marked as low quality post by the mods (and then deleted) on a subreddit I occasionally check so that could be the case with your post as well.
Also, can you tell me about subreddits that do not have karma requirements to make a post. I mean if someone has to build karma on an account from start, which subreddits to start posting at ?

Subreddit for commemt karma
Advice animal
WOrld News
Funny and more which one about You like to talk.

Subreddit for links karma

World news
Uplifting news
Gifs and more about You like to share
Crop out the 9gag watermark, reddit will go wild if they see that ;)