Porn site, 3k UV a day, only making around $6.5 per day.. Any other ways to monetize?


Regular Member
Oct 20, 2015
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Hi guys, i'm running an adult site and i get about 2k to 3k unique visitors per day, mainly from tier 1 countries.. I'm using pay per stream video hosting sites as my way of earning money (Pop ups when people click on play are my main income), i make a whole $6.5 daily from about 3k streams. This is mostly because half of my visitors run adblock, if they didn't i would be making 2x which is still pretty low. My site is quite unique and videos are not only HD but high quality content as well. I got a crakrevenue account but i haven't placed any ads from it on my site, yet. Any ideas?
I know multiple highly profitable monetization methods for your business model. What would suit you best depends on what do you do to attain traffic.
I know multiple highly profitable monetization methods for your business model. What would suit you best depends on what do you do to attain traffic.

Traffic is mainly from search engines.
It sounds like you are running a tube site, and monetizing with only popunders. You may want to consider reducing your popunder activity, and use CPM or display ads as an alternative. $6.50/day on 3,000 visitors obtained from search engines in this niche is not that bad overall though. It can be quite challenging to convert this type of traffic.

When I had an active adult auto-blog network I was driving up to $70/day through CrakRevenue, JuicyAds, Plugrush, and Exoclick, but that was on more like 50-60k UV per day. In case you wanted a baseline perspective on how much traffic it might take to make some decent money in adult - there is some food for thought.

Adult CPA on that volume of traffic would pay better, but since your traffic comes from search engines you can't just 301 direct to offer because your website will likely get deindexed. In your situation one change I would consider straight away is to use a CrakRevenue popunder at a minimum. If you are getting a lot of clicks and pops - you are bound to make some conversions sometimes. Maybe try the PPL offers as they have decent payouts and do convert periodically. Good luck!
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Traffic is mainly from search engines.
Since your traffic is random, you might want to consider renting banner space via buysellads. Consider using social media to ramp up your traffic numbers for that. It`s hard to sell product to random trffic, so another way is to use clickbite banners to pay per lead offers.
I'm actually part of the problem, I watch porn but I run adblock
A cpm of $2+ in adult niche sounds good to me.

If you want fast cash and consider to sell it, just PM me.
Thanks for the advise guys, much appreciated! I guess there is not much money to be made in this niche. It's really little but at least it's something. I don't think i'll ever reach over 5k a day sadly, going to keep the site for now and move on later if i see fit.
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Most people use Incognito whilst watching porn, so I don't really see how it would affect the conversion much.
I've only been using as i googled a lot and seems thats the one people recommend the most, now i'm trying with video wood too which i've read has the best rates, my video with them is been seen by over 1k already but earnings take over 12 hours to update so i don't see how much that's made me and can't tell if they are good or not yet. One big issue with them, videowood guys is that they take months to pay you. Openload pays within a week
Traffic is mainly from search engines.

The keywords and niche matter most. If you rank for terms like "free movies" your traffic is worthless more or less, but if you rank for more upscale terms you could earn up to 10k with the traffic you have. Feel free to PM me your site and I will take a look.
2-3k UVS and only $6.5/day? that's pretty bad, you might as well make a chaturbate whitelabel on the domain, i'm pretty sure, that you'd earn more considering that you can get a $1 free reg after 50 tier one visitors on average or less if you send quality traffic, even if it's not super targeted traffic in the adult cam niche, but it's still adult traffic, that would mean at least $40-60/day or more like $100ish or if you'd promote the revshare only god knows how much more, but of course don't do that just yet, try what others suggested or will suggest
Block adblock users. If they don't want to view your ads, then they shouldn't view the goods.

People demonize ads, but they usually don't consider how you pay for hosting and maintenance.
Block adblock users. If they don't want to view your ads, then they shouldn't view the goods.

People demonize ads, but they usually don't consider how you pay for hosting and maintenance.

This. Get an adblock detector which says: "Since you have adblocked disabled you have to wait in a queue to load this website - to load instantly click pause on adblock" and add a 20 second countdown.
This. Get an adblock detector which says: "Since you have adblocked disabled you have to wait in a queue to load this website - to load instantly click pause on adblock" and add a 20 second countdown.
the good thing that there's a Chrome addon which detects adblock blockers and hides adblock, so if you like, that's an adblock blocker blocker lol, it doesn't work everywhere though
Block people using adblock.
Try some different CR ads and test which work best for your traffic.
Block adblock users. If they don't want to view your ads, then they shouldn't view the goods.

People demonize ads, but they usually don't consider how you pay for hosting and maintenance.

I agree with you.They think that everything on the internet should be free but they don't think about the costs that the makes the internet run in the first place.
You should consider puttin' an adult CPA offers as banners on your site. Just my 2 cents.