Please define - Converts on CPA wall?????


May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Could somebody please define the term "Converts on CPA wall".
"Converts on CPA Wall" is a restriction on incentive offers that are part of the adscendmedia cpa network.
I emailed my AM for clarification and will get back to you with the response.
"Converts on CPA Wall" is a restriction on incentive offers that are part of the adscendmedia cpa network.
I emailed my AM for clarification and will get back to you with the response.

It's not just adscendmedia you twat.

The CPA Wall is what users end up at after entering their details in an email/zip/freebie/survey submit. Essentially it's a page with a whole heap of further CPA offers that the advertiser uses to profit from the lead(s) you send them.
Its like at the end of some offers, once they submit..the page will usually redirect to a new offer...most of the time having something to do with the previous offer (like if its an autoloan offer, it will send you to a bankruptsy offer or something). The CPA Wall is the point at which a user can go no longer.