J jelinky Newbie Joined Oct 4, 2008 Messages 32 Reaction score 2 Nov 1, 2008 #1 other than torrent sites where are some places to submit ebooks that people will actually find? note: they are free ebooks. Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
other than torrent sites where are some places to submit ebooks that people will actually find? note: they are free ebooks.
aliskorn Regular Member Joined Apr 21, 2008 Messages 483 Reaction score 468 Nov 1, 2008 #2 Warez sites,sc*ri*bd.com Scribd is very good because you can keyword stuff your title so it can be found even in google.
Warez sites,sc*ri*bd.com Scribd is very good because you can keyword stuff your title so it can be found even in google.
J jelinky Newbie Joined Oct 4, 2008 Messages 32 Reaction score 2 Nov 2, 2008 #3 oh nice. thanks alot aliskorn, ill check them out.