Photoshop CS4 Opinions


Power Member
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
I am about to buy Photoshop CS4 Is is as good as CS3 or better? :)
lots of different ways to answer this, because there are a lot of new features in CS4. but the best thing to do is to just download the trial version of it off adobe (since im assuming u like to do things legit and dont wana just go for the 'free' full version torrent), use it however u would usually use photoshop, and see if the new features make a big difference for you.
Well... the Photoshop series is the BEST... BESTer... Bestester out there by far. Make no mistake about, there is no other program that holds a candle to this app. However, this is a learning curve... Or should I say learning cliff. If you've only used MS paint, then you might get frustrated pretty quickly. Might want to try a Photoshop Tutors site like
until you get your feet wet.
I'm very ok with CS3, photoshop is an amazing software.
The main question probably is: can you even use all the features it has ?
Not much sense to get one more version if you don't know how to really use the current one.

btw did you know what photoshop is mosten used for?
From what I remember they mainly need photoshop to make models look good and to remove the assholes of animals in magazines ;)
im working with adobes tools in my agency every day. installed cs4 when it came out - and was completely disappointed...

1) its slow. really slow. (i'm working on a quad xeon with sas-raid and 8gb ram - and it's still slow...)
2) the new interface sucks. it's all grey in grey. so when i have ps over dw it looks like working in the same app... the shadows in vista were cool in cs3 so you could clearly see the different apps
3) like every adobe app: wait for the updates... the suites have been unusable for professional work until the updates where out half a year later

so if you're fine with cs3: stay with it. the new features in cs4 are basically just very few... if you get a cheap photoshop 7 or cs on ebay go for it... cs4 is definitly not worth the money if you only want to use it from time to time (if you go pro there's nothing like ps... absolutely no way around it)
1) its slow. really slow. (i'm working on a quad xeon with sas-raid and 8gb ram - and it's still slow...)

Agreed, i noticed the performance hit instantly also. I even followed all the advice on setting up the memory management to my system specs like was suggested and it was still a slouch compared to CS3.

The interface color change doesn't bother me too much, but the slowness definitely does so i went back to CS3.
Dont mean to bump the thread but did anybody manage to install CS4 on thier PC.

I have tried for a week now and the install freezes. Any experts out there?

Well I like Photoshop.

I made my Avatar with it. When I first installed it, I had some performance problems and it didn't want to run and it wanted to freeze up my computer instead.. still not sure what the cause of that was.. it runs fine now though, and I'm only running a 2.2ghz/2gig ddr2 ram machine.
You should check to make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements. It's a memory hog.

Dont mean to bump the thread but did anybody manage to install CS4 on thier PC.

I have tried for a week now and the install freezes. Any experts out there?

I have dual core with 2GB of mem. should be ok disk space is 50gb, I have cleaned everything out, and still setup freezes after a few seconds. G00gled cs3/4 install and wow I am not the only one.
They write great software and crap installers,

I have tried everything from CS3 / 4 c;eaners ccleaner you name it still no install.
any ideas would be appreciated.