People posting about 'look what happened to this person who got the vaccine'


Banned - Inappropriate behavior
Aug 4, 2013
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You can cry about the 'dangers' of 3ml of liquid that has some extraordinary side effects 'because of the vaccine', but most people who post this garbage will keep shoving junk food down their throat and doing other habits that are harmful for your health.

"Unhealthy diet contributes to approximately 678,000 deaths each year in the U.S., due to nutrition- and obesity-related diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.1 In the last 30 years, obesity rates have doubled in adults, tripled in children, and quadrupled in adolescents.", yet you probably don't care about that when you shove another pizza or alcohol down your throat in a few hours.


Get a grip, guys. There are extremely dangerous consequences for most things that you're doing, and you won't stop because of it.

Also pretty funny how all COVID-19 deaths are always caused by underlying conditions, while vaccine deaths are caused by the vaccine and not caused by something else such as underlying conditions, according to those gurus.

Thanks for listening to my TED-talk :D
Oh boy, I can already predict the replies on this one. :confused:

Let’s get these facts straight:

Eating shit and not drinking enough is bad for you.

The COVID vaccine(s) will fuck up some people’s health.

COVID will fuck up some people’s health

If you don’t want the vaccine , don’t take it. If you want the vaccine, take it.

Just don’t force the people to take it, and let us both enjoy the same freedoms.

That is all. :)
But hey mate, the problem is: Everyone is responsible for themselves. It is your life. You can eat McDonalds or Pizza every day if you want, but you can also eat only vegetables. Same goes for Coca Cola or water. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. You can sit at home all day or you can do sports every day. It is self-responsibility.

But with the vaccine/covid it is completely the opposite. Suddenly you are responsible for everyone else. Suddenly every person you meet, even your own family, is a potential threat. There have been so many restrictions/lockdowns. They are forcing the responsibility onto each other. They turned grown-up people into children, telling them what to do and how to behave. Giving them a lot of pressure by telling them "do you want to be responsible to kill other people or your grandparents?!?!?!". It is incredibly sick. Not only this, suddenly they also say "if you are vaccinated, it will be easier for you to travel or do other activities" and this is an indirect form of forcing.

I am not against the vaccine (took it myself), the virus or anything, but it is quite scary how the media and the govts. pulled this off (it is still going on tho). The same goes for YouTube, which are deleting everyone and everything related to the virus or vaccine. They even delete videos from virologists and doctors, which are working in this field for more than 30 years. It is pure ideology and this is very concerning.