[PBN Hosting] Checklist for Keeping Your Domains Safe & Secure + 4 Questions


Power Member
Mar 25, 2014
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I've read through many PBN threads and I'm trying to create a "masterlist" of PBN footprints mainly for myself.

But I need help. So I'm going to write a list of things I know then at the end ask questions about things I'm confused about.


1) Never interlink your PBN sites (obvious)
2) Use decent quality articles (ovious)
3) Diversify the shit out of your anchors and Alex says never use the same anchor text twice
4) Use spyder spanker plugin
5) Aim to have 33% of your sites on local domain extensions like ".us" or where ever you're from.
6) Build the remaining 66% on .com/.org/.net
7) Mix up CMS themes
8) Don't put a link on every post in your PBN
9) Interlink the content of your PBN
10) Mix up article length. Like do 1 - 800 word and 1 - 600 word post for every 4 - 400 word posts.
11) About us pages that are unique and preferably with more than 200 words
12) Contact us pages as well
13) Run a DNS check using
http://www.intodns.com or http://who.is/dns/ (may need to manually edit DNS zone to change email)
14) Different author names on every site

Now, where things get confusing...

15) Use fake names for registration.

I saw a guy in Alex's thread talking about how he was asked for a drivers license and passport otherwise his domain would be cancelled.

Alex responded saying that if you're called out on this, then supply what they ask for. But furthermore, if they ask about the fake name on the whois information, all you have to say is "that person is a client" and they will leave you alone? Is that true? (question #1)

16) Use a separate email for each new host.

This doesn't confuse me. What confused me is next

17) Use a private proxy on those emails?

This is something I read another member say in a different thread. And people thanked him. But do I seriously need a private proxy just for the emails I use to register with the hosts? It doesn't make sense to me. How the hell would that raise any red flags? (question #2)

Question #3 - Aside from those 2 questions, is there ANYTHING ELSE you guys see that I have missed? If so, please let me know.

Question #4 - I'm starting off building a 20 domain PBN for **1** primary, aged local site. It's my most profitable site which is why I want to focus on it the most. Will it be a red flag if I link all 20 of my PBN sites to that 1 money site? I have other aged local sites I can also link to. Another in a semi-relevant niche that is on pages 2-3 for most it's keywords. But I don't want to link to that site cause it's on the same exact hosting account as my main money site (in fact, I have 2 other fairly strong local sites on this same hosting account). So again, how do I make this look natural? Is it gonna look weird if each PBN has 1 link on every other 2-3 pages pointing to a different page on my main money site?

I assume it will cause ALL the OBL from these PBN's will be pointing to the same exact site.

At the same time I'm not sure how to avoid this or how else to do the linking? Do I move my other 3 local sites to separate hosts, wait a few months, then diversify the links on my PBN that way? Do I link to other random sites and sacrifice link juice? This is something that seriously puzzles me.


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Alex responded saying that if you're called out on this, then supply what they ask for. But furthermore, if they ask about the fake name on the whois information, all you have to say is "that person is a client" and they will leave you alone? Is that true? (question #1)

If you are using Namecheap/Namesilo you might have a chance, but not a single option with Godaddy. They will ban you.
I'm not an expert by any means but:

4) Use spyder spanker plugin

I think this leaves a footprint. Maybe half of your PBN, or some sites but I think a mixture this and changing your htaccess file would be better. I can't imagine there are too many people using Spyder Spanker for normal websites.

16) Use a separate email for each new host.

How can google or anyone for that matter know which email you are using to sign up for hosting?

Question #3 - Aside from those 2 questions, is there ANYTHING ELSE you guys see that I have missed? If so, please let me know.

I think it's a good idea to throw in some blog-niche specific authoritative links in here and there. Only having links to moneysite/moneysites seems unnatural.
I was looking for all the footprints etc and how to avoid them and something came to mind. Should you add advertising or affiliate links to some of your sites/blogs. Heres my thinking - having 10-15 (or whatever number you build) domains and sites all pointing to your site, all with no advertising or monetizing looks suspect. Or is there no way for google to check that - i thought the links out would be a giveaway.

This then had me thinking about using different affiliate accounts names and adsense accounts - as it would be a huge giveaway if they were all linked.

Anyone know about that or want to chime in?
see I've been using my PBN network since long now.

1) so answer to your first question is I've only experienced this issue one time about domain. And I submitted my documents and they replied why the name is different and when i said its of my client they replied "then please submit documents of your client" and I was screwed and my domain account got permanently disabled from godaddy.

2) Proxies for emails I've not used yet. And I don't recommend either as it won't be of any use according to my experience.

3) You don't have to point your money site from your all PBN sites together. What you have to do is take 2-3 your PBN sites make a unique article for all 2-3 sites (don't spin the articles) complete unique and high quality. Now do interlinking which is necessary, again now give out bound link to any high authority sites (like forbes, wsj, nytimes etc.) and then link it to your site. Same do with other PBN sites of your's but make sure you use LSI keywords as anchor text or different related keywords. Once you're done with that wait for some time.. and if your PBN sites will have high DA and TF and if your targeted keyword is low competition then with these links only your ranking will boost and you won't be needing any other PBN links.

But lets assume you're targeting high competitive keyword so for that do as I said for 2-3 PBN's.. then make some links via commenting, article sharing (directories) and after few days like after 20-25 days give again links from your PBN sites to your money sites. You need to maintain link velocity..

If you follow this I'm 100% sure you will get higher in SERP ranking. Believe me I've been using this method since very long and results are astonishing.
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About question 4 - I think it will raise a huge flag if you just point out a single site on these 20 domains. Maybe try linking out wikipedia and other sites too. You could also build web 2.0's around your niche and link out to them from these domains to diversify further.
What about using chrome to login in the PBN websites? Its a footprint too? You thing google is using it as a footprint?
You can use "Hola Chrome Extension" to login from different countries and different IPs. I'm using this Hola Plugin for Chrome..

What about using chrome to login in the PBN websites? Its a footprint too? You thing google is using it as a footprint?
15) Use fake names for registration.

I saw a guy in Alex's thread talking about how he was asked for a drivers license and passport otherwise his domain would be cancelled.

Alex responded saying that if you're called out on this, then supply what they ask for. But furthermore, if they ask about the fake name on the whois information, all you have to say is "that person is a client" and they will leave you alone? Is that true?

Might have a work around on this but it is from left field. Sent you a PM about it.
5) Aim to have 33% of your sites on local domain extensions like ".us" or where ever you're from.

Just use any extension. these % rules are like anchor text percentage rules.
BTW, 70% domains ever registered are .com's and that makes it logically unpractical/non-meaningful to have 33% cctlds.

When you will get experienced enough you won't ever care about anchor text that much.
And now your questions
15) Use fake names for registration.

I saw a guy in Alex's thread talking about how he was asked for a drivers license and passport otherwise his domain would be cancelled.

Alex responded saying that if you're called out on this, then supply what they ask for. But furthermore, if they ask about the fake name on the whois information, all you have to say is "that person is a client" and they will leave you alone? Is that true? (question #1)

16) Use a separate email for each new host.

This doesn't confuse me. What confused me is next

17) Use a private proxy on those emails?

These are just non-viable standards setup by "Gurus". Do everything you can do and then check your site as a google manual site checker.

Will you really check out all about a pbn site if you have to check 100 sites with all 100 of them having 100 links per page?

Similarly like a average bhatter is able to smell bullshit review thread, the guys who are given a manual check work will be able to smell your shitty 5 page pbn site.

It's better to spend $100 on 10 sites then spending $100 on 1 site , when you know that site will be fucked in both ways.
Similarly like a average bhatter is able to smell bullshit review thread, the guys who are given a manual check work will be able to smell your shitty 5 page pbn site.

It's better to spend $100 on 10 sites then spending $100 on 1 site , when you know that site will be fucked in both ways.

So true. Its about efficiency and not about winning the contest for the most natural looking PBN
Thank you very much folks! Got some awesome replies in here and I appreciate that. :D

The only thing left I'm really curious about is whether I should use a mix of hosts or 1 main host. The PBN will be relatively small like I said 20 sites to start (may bring up to 40). But I'm only trying to rank 1-3 main local sites. Considering my 2 main sites are already on pages 1-3 for most their keywords, all around 3 years old, I don't think it should take much juice to push them up.

However, from what I've read on these forums it seems the majority of people say "use as many different hosts as possible".

But it's hilariously sad how many different opinions people have on this. I mean, I've read at least 20 threads with people arguing back and forth "the host matters, cheap hosts have shitty ips and get deindexed" then I see other guys saying, "it's your PBN, shitty content, footprints that are getting them deindexed". And being new to this, my instincts tell me the latter is more correct.

I don't doubt that a shitty host or ip can get a site reviewed. But I have LOTS of HQ content and can make very good sites relatively fast.

Originally I planned on using hosts like:

godaddy (already have 2 accounts)
hostgator $2.48,
hawkhost $3.39,
stable host $3.95,
host winds $4 shared / $ 5 business,
hobohost $1,
zetta host $2 month,
123systems.net $8 year......

But I've seen A LOT of people bitching about the cheaper hosts. Complaints about deindexing, downtime, customer service, and being a major PITA to manage.

Then I decided to go on youtube and see if there are any videos about PBN's. And I'll be honest, I learned more on youtube in a few hours watching videos than I have by reading on here for months. Cause there are many confusing things mentioned on here that unless you SEE a person explain them... they don't make sense. Unless you are an expert yourself, you don't see all the sarcasm. You're not able to read between the lines.

Like A, B, C class hosting. I've seen experienced members on here saying "c class is the best :)". And cause I'm a noob, I think that smiley face means they're happy about their recommendation. Not that they are FUCKING AROUND.

Anyway, I wound up watching this guys shit. His videos are newer and easy to understand.

The guys got a hardon for: https://www.nonameinternet.com/site/

And yes, I saw the affiliate link underneath. But I looked at the site and was like "OMG THIS IS WAT I NEED!" It looks so much simpler and more efficient than managing a bunch of different hosts. And NNI is suppose to be all A class hosting.

Problem is... I'm not even sure if NNI is considered "seo hosting". I read on the site and didn't see "seo hosting" anywhere. But the site does NOT look like your typical hosting site does. No graphics. Looks like it's all about business which could attract attention.

Then there was Nick Flames thread where he recommended: http://www.ixwebhosting.com/hosting-plans . The place has similar plans as NNI. But again I'm not sure if that shit is "seo hosting".

PBN's are confusing as hell. If there's 1 thing I've learned it's why most members on here buy PBN links and don't build their own. It is by far the most controversial, mind fuck of a topic I've ever researched before.

I've developed a 2nd voice in my head literally just for PBNs. And it's always yelling, "just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO SOMETHING ALREADY".

I can drown myself in details. Or I can listen to just a few experienced marketers. And the 1 thing those few people always seem to say is, "it doesn't matter where you host your sites.... the ONLY THING that matters is HOW you make your sites, that you DO NOT leave any footprints, and that you DO NOT push garbage into the SERPS". Which seems to make more sense than anything I've read up until now.

Then finally. I look at the guys on here who own MASSIVE networks. Like rankusnow. And I tell myself there is NO WAY services like that are using different hosts for all their sites. Like guys with networks 500 sites or bigger... no fucking way are they signing into hobohost, 123systems, zetahost and hundreds of other cheap ass hosts. They gotta have most of their shit with just 4-5 hosts or servers to keep things manageable.

For anyone who has read this mess of a post. What would you do?

Would you go with something like the list of sites I first mentioned.... or just throw all your shit on something like NNI or IXWH?

My instincts are telling me to go with the latter. Afterall, Paulie W (who I greatly respect) said this is about efficiency more than anything. -_-
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Bumpity bump bump.

Please gentlemen. I just need opinions on my last post. Would you go with a group of hosts like the ones I mentioned above or keep everything on one host like nonameinternet or ixwebhosting?

The 2nd choice sounds like much less of a headache but I wanna make sure I'm not overlooking anything.
Bumpity bump bump.

Please gentlemen. I just need opinions on my last post. Would you go with a group of hosts like the ones I mentioned above or keep everything on one host like nonameinternet or ixwebhosting?

The 2nd choice sounds like much less of a headache but I wanna make sure I'm not overlooking anything.

nonameinternet is a SEO Host http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1357529 although they are recommended here https://www.semimpact.com/the-best-way-to-setup-expired-domains-for-maximum-seo/

I use separate hosts, although it is a serious pain in the arse.


Would be interested to see if anybody has reviews of the two hosts you mentioned though.
BNB, just a couple of quick tips:

1) DON'T use wordpress all the time ;) - Try other CMSs even plain html will do it ;)

2) Diversified external links in PBN is doing WONDERS nowadays ;) - Don't be greedy by just linking to your money site :p
(Linking ONLY to your money site is a HUGE footprint)
Just go with pbn hosting until you reach 50 sites in your network, then start looking at getting cheap hosts for each site to be on a safer side...

You have to be mad to use proxies when creating emails for pbns, good luck recovering those emails when you try to login from different ip...