Paypal opens a claim without my consent


Jul 17, 2008
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Ayo this is wierd, so I wake up this morning and I get a message "why did u chargeback" and im like what the hell are they talken about so I said I didn't chargeback on anything I haven't been in my PP account since I sent u the money. So I'm thinking at the time maybe this person has the wrong ID. So I go to my paypal account and behold theres a dispute case open i didn't initiate. Has this happen to anyone else
Never heard of such a thing, but Paypal has made errors in the past so it's very possible wrong data was entered somewhere.
Any chance you were phished? You didn't click the email link did you?
Resolution Center - Case Reversal Details


PayPal is constantly monitoring site activity and reviewing transactions.

This payment has been selected for review and we have opened an investigation.

This is what's at top of the dispute
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Nah I wasn't phished, I don't know what's going trying to close it but they don't give me a option..I honestly think there trying to run game and steal money, they tried something simular with my girlfriends account. She was only a buyer and sent money to a person and paypal chargedback without her consent and told her they were keeping the money until she added a bank accountand this was over the phone when she spoke to she had to chargeback to get her money back from paypal after they help up and transaction and had her account limited until she added a bank account
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I think they suspect that your account was stolen or something. Did you send from a different computer or from a proxy?
I think they suspect that your account was stolen or something. Did you send from a different computer or from a proxy?

I'm trying to remember, if i was using a proxy when i logged into my personal account, I mean that's really unlike me...but im not going to rule it out. But the chances of it is thing is this...PP has me looking like im doing shady business
I'm trying to remember, if i was using a proxy when i logged into my personal account, I mean that's really unlike me...but im not going to rule it out. But the chances of it is thing is this...PP has me looking like im doing shady business

I don't think they suspect you of anything. It may seem unwarranted when you think you didn't mess up, but it's a security thing to protect your account. I had the same thing happen to me - twice - because I run a proxy from my desktop and had that "aw, shit" moment when, just as I logged in, I remembered doing so from a proxy is a violation of their TOS.

It'll work itself out. Fastest way to get it straight if that's the likely cause is to call them. First time I had your reaction and waited to see what would happen. Took a few days and then you have to do a song & dance that ID's you as the person who logged in. Second time I called and had it worked out in a day.

maybe the best option is to give them a call
It happens, as it did to me.

It happens when the payment comes from and unverified buyer, or, is out of what the computers feel is the normal activities of the account.

I just refunded the money when I tried calling the number provided and it had been disconnected.
Dude this just happened to I honestly JUST resolved it a couple of hours ago! I was PISSED!!!! PP is a BIG pain in the side. They do that every time there's a deposit of a large amount of money mine was $900. U got to resolve it i advise you call and talk them thru the whole thing. G luck!
Thanks fellaz...yeah im pissed, i try keep everything 100% with people im delaing business with. so ill call them tomorrow see what's going on. Well at least im not a rare case i thought it was only me.
damn man i have never heard of that happening before without the owners consent and if you where phished it might be a security risk...
This happened to me. Those fucking bastards. I sold on Ebay someone paid, I shipped, Paypal pulled this crap on me. Fuck Ebay, Fuck Paypal.
This happened to me. Those fucking bastards. I sold on Ebay someone paid, I shipped, Paypal pulled this crap on me. Fuck Ebay, Fuck Paypal.

Yeah Ebay may be freakin Big Brother tossers but like it or not Ebay IS the place to sell.

My own experience of placing ads on GUmtree Craigslist

local free papers numerous times same items never sold I put them on Ebay and they all sold.