Paypal 180 day hold - any chance of a partial withdrawal beforehand

Scorpion Ghost

Elite Member
Executive VIP
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
I've been reading online about when Paypal limits/bans you and holds your money for 180 days.

Let's say the account is 5 years old and in perfect standing, with about 15 chargebacks in 5 years, and the account has a substantial amount of money in it.

Did anyone ever have any success with contacting Paypal and having them release at least some of the money before the 180 days expire?

I'm wondering if it's worth a shot to send them a message or call them about it.

If anyone has any knowledge or experience on the matter, please let me know.
OF COURSE it is worth a phone call and a message, and a follow-up 3 days later, and 30 days later. If you care about the money, do everything you can to try to get it in your hands and out of theirs. If you don't care about the money, then no, it isn't worth your time even if others have had success. Think about how small of a community we have here relative to how many people use Paypal. Just because they have or haven't had success, doesn't mean you will or wont have success.

I have worked in customer service for many years in call centres, and if you are really nice you have a good chance of getting help even if it's outside of normal policy and procedure. If the person can't help, just thank them for their time, wait a few days, then call back and say you desperately need the money or you will be kicked out of your house and homeless and can't buy food and you have a small baby to care for. Be really nice. If they still wont help you, that's the end of trying pretty much.
OF COURSE it is worth a phone call and a message, and a follow-up 3 days later, and 30 days later. If you care about the money, do everything you can to try to get it in your hands and out of theirs. If you don't care about the money, then no, it isn't worth your time even if others have had success. Think about how small of a community we have here relative to how many people use Paypal. Just because they have or haven't had success, doesn't mean you will or wont have success.

I have worked in customer service for many years in call centres, and if you are really nice you have a good chance of getting help even if it's outside of normal policy and procedure. If the person can't help, just thank them for their time, wait a few days, then call back and say you desperately need the money or you will be kicked out of your house and homeless and can't buy food and you have a small baby to care for. Be really nice. If they still wont help you, that's the end of trying pretty much.

I sent them a message yesterday. A nice honest and humble message. We'll see what happens.

If nothing comes of it, I'll give them a call on Monday or Tuesday (after they reply to my message, if it's negative), see if that does something.

All it takes is for a Paypal employee to take a look at the account, the amount of money in it and the 5 year history, and they will know that there will be no chargebacks and problems. At that point if they have a heart they'll allow me to withdraw at least some of the money. There is enough money in the account so that even if all the payments I received in the past 6 months do a chargeback there would still be enough in the account to cover it (we're talking probably over 1,000+ unique payments). And that would not happen, it's impossible, not in a million years.

Ufff... I'm so stressed out and sad about this situation.
I cannot fathom a legitmate situation whereby a five-year standing account with transactions will end up on-hold with that sort of limit. There is one possibility, that the sender is fraudulent and Paypal is wrestling with the banks.

Else, if common transactions you can simply call Paypal up and be nice to whoever picking up the call. Basically, whoever answered you are capable of and will be the one that determine an immediate release for you or persisting the hold on your funds. Usually. There are days Paypal don't know what it's doing itself.

If somehow it's because you didn't verify your account with identity documents after 5 years, go and verify it.
Happend to my friend for 32k USD.
he refunded big clients from the past and ask them to dispute the deals...
then pay him in a diffrent way with some discount.. screw paypal
I cannot fathom a legitmate situation whereby a five-year standing account with transactions will end up on-hold with that sort of limit. There is one possibility, that the sender is fraudulent and Paypal is wrestling with the banks.

Else, if common transactions you can simply call Paypal up and be nice to whoever picking up the call. Basically, whoever answered you are capable of and will be the one that determine an immediate release for you or persisting the hold on your funds. Usually. There are days Paypal don't know what it's doing itself.

If somehow it's because you didn't verify your account with identity documents after 5 years, go and verify it.

My account is fully verified, with passport.

The sender being fraudulent thing? We're talking Thousands of senders over the 5 year period. People from all over the world, also microgig sites like Fiverr and others, payments are from thousands of senders over the 5 year period.

Happend to my friend for 32k USD.
he refunded big clients from the past and ask them to dispute the deals...
then pay him in a diffrent way with some discount.. screw paypal

I thought about this. But I don't really have a few big clients, but many smaller clients. And right now even if I did that, most people would just want to pay me again in Paypal, plus how would I look to all those customers asking this. Eh, it's a good idea I guess, something to consider.


I contacted PP and asked them if possible to let me withdraw some of the money. I wrote a very nice and honest message. They replied:


Uffffff :oops:
Some fraud having a go at your store, were you experiencing many charge backs or shielded due to your refunds policy? And if you want any chances at all at revoking this, you must call paypal.
Some fraud having a go at your store, were you experiencing many charge backs or shielded due to your refunds policy?

I had maybe 20 chargebacks, in 5 years. And they were always quickly resolved as I'm very available and communicative.
I had maybe 20 chargebacks, in 5 years. And they were always quickly resolved as I'm very available and communicative.
Sorry I just noticed you are running PVA store. There might be the chances that either Paypal recently decided to step up for it's corporate pals and are starting to shut accounts belonging to "virtual digital goods and services" or whatever category down. But since you have been fine for five years, I am not sure.
Second most likely means that some idiot was having fun getting likes and shit from your store, with others' paypal accounts or cards. And that seems to be of a rather significant volume derived from your store median which Paypal naturally took it to meant that you turned to the dark side and kicks you off the ship.
Sorry I just noticed you are running PVA store. There might be the chances that either Paypal recently decided to step up for it's corporate pals and are starting to shut accounts belonging to "virtual digital goods and services" or whatever category down. But since you have been fine for five years, I am not sure.
Second most likely means that some idiot was having fun getting likes and shit from your store, with others' paypal accounts or cards. And that seems to be of a rather significant volume derived from your store median which Paypal naturally took it to meant that you turned to the dark side and kicks you off the ship.

Actually, I have my theories as to why it happened. 3 main ones.

1. I got a sudden spike in income. I've been receiving between $1000-2000 monthly on average for the 5 years I had the Paypal account. In January... it was more...

2. Social Media services. Paypal considers high risk.

3. I created a new site in January. It used to belong to someone else years ago. I registered it because the domain had some backlinks and stuff, and I liked the name. Later I found out that whoever had the domain name about 4 years ago had Paypal problems and was using stealth Paypals. He had the same type of site on it as I made. Then I found out that Paypal blacklists domain names, and if a domain name is blacklisted on Paypal and it starts receiving payments (using IPN too for automated deposits), then Paypal can ban you.

So I believe those 3 things, combined, plus perhaps a few more factors, all contributed to me getting banned.