I guess someone should spill the beans.
How to rate a comment to the top.
Easiest part:
Build the bot, anyone with some simple programming practices can do it.
Hardest part:
Do proper testing, get some non blocked proxies, some good working accounts.
Test comments, to see which ones are labeled as spam right away.etc.
Is not the comment rater that doesnt work, the function has remained the same for months even before the update. Is the server side algorithm that changed.
Now in order to fully comment rate right you will need to do proper testing to find out the correct way to bypass the server algorithm.
So i wonder how many people will still be asking for a comment rater bot when it has been said multiple times that its not the bot thats not working but the server side algorith.
Very true, took me like an hour to write a program to comment/rate comments. However, it does require alot of testing to get it working efficiently.
On my first test, I managed to rate 1 of my comments to having 70+ thumbs up in about a minute, but the comment didn't move to the highest rated comments above, just stayed in its original place. The comment was also removed within an hour.
Youtube have really upped their game when it comes to preventing automation/spam. I have no doubt there will be ways around it to successfully comment rate, but it would involve:
- testing lots of proxies from different suppliers
- testing quality of the accounts being used
- testing delays between rating the comments (having 70 thumbs up in a minute or so will probably trigger something, having longer more random delays would probably help)
Also if your comment gets marked as spam by several people, then your comment will usually be removed.
I havn't really had time to keep testing it but what works for me so far is:
I get the source of the video page and check to see if my comment is there...if it is there, then i'd rate it and move onto the next video. If it isn't there then I'd randomly select a spun comment from my list and post it to the video, and then move onto the next video.
After 2 comments, I switch accounts to avoid captchas.
So far I've noticed that my comments usually stick on videos with less than a million or so views (less people to mark your comment as spam I guess... atleast it won't be done as fast anyway)
All my tests have been done without the use of proxies, using around 150 youtube accounts. None have been banned or asked for reverification yet.
Since im not using proxies, after so many requests to youtube (I think after 500 videos?) I get temporarily blocked from youtube unless I enter captcha (happens even if not signed in to youtube). I think this temp IP ban lasts anywhere from 2-12 hours.
I'm using a list of around 250 videos to comment/rate so after the 2nd loop I usually stop the bot for a few hours. Have only been testing it for less than a week but the comments that have stuck have around 5-10 thumbs up. Not a great amount but theres lots of factors why the number isnt higher - proxies being the main reason.
Anyways just thought i'd share my experiences so that if anyone else decides to make a bot to do this, they have some info to think about which might help them
My conclusion: If you want to comment and rate comments on youtube, make sure you set random delays when rating (rating too fast will probably flag your comment especially if they are from the same IP - proxies might help) Also try to avoid videos with lots of views...I know these bring in more traffic but your comments will get flagged fast on these high viewed videos, which means any other comments you post on that account/ip could be at risk of getting flagged also.