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Power Member
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hi to all
like i tell you i make a new test

try with redirection to change al mimes meta tags

and here mimes results

Raw Imps 312
Raw Clicks 818
Raw Downs 1
Real Imps 311
Real Clicks 806
Real Downs 1

like you can see
search engines look at those 200 first characters, so do it and trust in mimes results
the trouble is incredible think need thousands and thousands to get results
go to past all night longs to get results ??????

i know those keywords i use are like this in google
9,570,000 English that look like a trouble imagine the time you need to make redirection
if you can do 1 by 1 by hand more or less 100-200 per day is the maximum

all by hand, incredible look like "monkey job" :D

see you good luck
have a nice day
is this an example of a cheap article rewriter in action:D
i only understand the first two line... and the last two line... :smashfrea lol
This is pretty funny. There's no way this isn't a rewriter. Can you pm on where I can get "mime" hands on it?