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Partnership for a adult Tube site


Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score

I have started an adult tube siteand I need some partners who can work with me.

what I will Do?
1. I will make the whole investment for this. I have already bough domain and VPS and can buy dedicated server if required.
2. I can help in getting traffic from some social media sources.
3. I will invest money in SEO, server, web development e.t.c

What I need from you?
1. get traffic to site.
2. post fresh content.
3. help me in SEO if you know about it.

will share revenue in 60/40
I would keep 60% because I will do all the investment.
If there is more then 2 partners then I will take 50% of the profit and remaining 50% will be divided equally in all other partners.

PS: I am open for ideas and suggestions
I added you on skype.

kindly read the thread properly before you send me an add request.

I already setup my site and have around 20K + videos on it I just need a team who can help me in adding new quality videos and can bring traffic to the site.

PS: I am already adding videos and site is already getting some traffic, I just need helping hand to make the site better
i am still looking for a partner who can bring adult traffic to the site
Finally I found 2 guys to be part of this JV

UserName: http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/members/781757-sagarmankar.html he will get traffic to the site and will do SEO
UserName : http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/members/906657-gabiend.html will get video content

Profit will be divided into 3 equal parts and every person will receive 33.33% .

PS: I will do whole investment and will work in getting traffic from some social sources and will add some content in site and will take care of the hosting issues and will maintain the site.

UserName: sagarmankar
is removed from this JV he is not active since he join this JV.

So, now if some one else want to join the team of adult tube website, then reply to this thread or make a site pm.

PS: we need only 1 person who can get good traffic to the website.

NOTE: the profit from this website will be divided equally in all partners.

UserName: sagarmankar
is removed from this JV he is not active since he join this JV.

So, now if some one else want to join the team of adult tube website, then reply to this thread or make a site pm.

PS: we need only 1 person who can get good traffic to the website.

NOTE: the profit from this website will be divided equally in all partners.

Due to some urgency I'm not active..

@ others (It is a great opportunity, don't miss the deal)
still looking for a partner who have good amount of adult traffic
still waiting for a reliable partner for adult traffic

I am interested in this JV, please send me a PM with your website address and current requirements. :)

You can also add me on skype: active.gigs

Hope to hear from you soon!

Last edited:
please check your site pm


I am interested in this JV, please send me a PM with your website address and current requirements. :)

You can also add me on skype: active.gigs

Hope to hear from you soon!
